
NXmlSerializer / News: Recent posts

Version Released

Serialize .Net objects to XML with support for referenced application objects replaced during deserialization. XML optimised for common .Net framework types. Supports private field serialization, generic lists/dictionaries, and parameterized constructors.

Posted by Rob Smyth 2008-07-17

Version 3 code available

Version 3 code is available from the repository. A binary release has not been uploaded yet.

This version provides optimised XML serialization, support for external factories/repositories, and a much wider range of data types.

Posted by Rob Smyth 2008-07-16

Version 2.0 Released

Version 2.0 is now available for download. Supports XML serialization of TimeSpan, DateTime, and Guid data types. Also has support for serialization by private fields and serialised classes do not require a default constructor.

Posted by Rob Smyth 2008-03-07

Version 2.0 Beta Released

NXMLSerializer Version 2.0 Beta code is now available from SVN. This version adds support for circular references, enums, and custom XML readers and writers. Simpler usage using the NXmlDocument class. Simplified 'just in time' type discovery using a seed assembly.

Posted by Rob Smyth 2008-02-19

Alpha code now available

Can now save to XML objects with generic lists of custom objects, inteface types, etc. The code now passed all of the automated test but has not been used in reality.

Posted by Rob Smyth 2007-06-09

Pre-alpah code available

Uploaded the pre-alpha code. Not recommended.

Posted by Rob Smyth 2007-06-01