
#9 Is it working at all?

JSON Parsing Bugs

I have pasted to a brand new Notepad++ document example JSON codes from these sites:

and NONE of them were parsed / displayed correctly. All I see all the time is: "Error: Please select a JSON String."

Your plugin wasn't even able to parse JSON string as simple as:

{"title": "Example Schema"}

So, my question is: What am I missing? Is it working at all?


Bugs: #9


  • Kapil Ratnani

    Kapil Ratnani - 2013-11-30

    well, you've to select the JSON, highlight it in other words and then press CTRL + ALT + SHIFT + J or open JSONViewer dialog.

    Sorry, the plugin is not under development anymore, as i no longer use notepad++ myself. I've totally shifted to using Vim in linux and mac. I haven't used a windows machine for a while. I'll try to find someone who can carry on the development of this plugin.

    The latest code is here

  • John Krajewski

    John Krajewski - 2015-10-06

    Got the same result myself, this plugin no longer functions at all. Can you remove it or mark it unfunctional?

  • John Krajewski

    John Krajewski - 2015-10-07

    I dont get that, it shows this for me:


    Last edit: John Krajewski 2015-10-07
  • Kapil Ratnani

    Kapil Ratnani - 2015-10-07

    You have to highlight the JSON. press CTRL + A or drag the mouse to select the JSON text.

  • John Krajewski

    John Krajewski - 2015-10-07
  • Kapil Ratnani

    Kapil Ratnani - 2015-10-07

    Select the JSON and press "Show JSON Viewer" from the menu or press the shortcut key.

  • John Krajewski

    John Krajewski - 2015-10-07

    Oh now it works! The JSON viewer was already being displayed so I never considered that.

  • santhiswaroop

    santhiswaroop - 2018-04-25

    i am using the 7.5.6 Npp version and v1.4.11 plugin manager version.
    show JOSN viewer for JSON viwer plugin is giving the parse error.


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