
NotFTP / News: Recent posts

NotFTP 1.3.1 released

NotFTP version 1.3.1 has arrived. This version brings symbolic link support (finally!), SSL-FTP support, and an option to specify a list of servers and ports that users are allowed to connect to. In addition, I've included a new French translation based on the work of Guillaume Libersat and Ivan Machetto.

This brings us up to a total of two translations not including English, one of which is a crummy Babelfish translation to Spanish that I cobbled together myself. If you've translated NotFTP into your language, please share your work! Just send me an email with your translation file attached, and I'll love you forever. I promise.... read more

Posted by Ryan Grove 2003-02-21

NotFTP 1.3 released

NotFTP version 1.3 has been released. Surprisingly, this release doesn't fix a single bug (there honestly weren't any to fix, I promise), but lots of new features have been added. The biggest new feature is internationalization support. NotFTP can now easily be translated into any language. Currently, the only translations we have are English and Babelfish Spanish, but submissions are more than welcome.... read more

Posted by Ryan Grove 2002-10-12

NotFTP 1.2.2 source imported into CVS

I've finally gotten around to putting the NotFTP source in CVS. I've imported the current 1.2.2 release tree. From now on, you'll always be able to get the latest NotFTP development code from CVS.

Posted by Ryan Grove 2002-06-13