
[Plugin Update] NppMenuSearch 0.9

  • Peter Frentrup

    Peter Frentrup - 2014-04-06


    I just updated my NppMenuSearch plugin to version 0.9. This fixes a few minor bugs and adds a major new feature:

    Navigating to the Shortcut Mapper dialog. Just click the right mouse button on any menu item search result and choose Change Shortcut. Alternatively, you can use your keyboard's popup-menu-key directly from the search box.
    Please note that finding the appropriate row in the Shortcut Mapper dialog sometimes fails (e.g. when several items with the same text exist or when an item changed its text since startup) due to some N++-side limitations.

    Feedback is welcomed.


    screenshot with search result popup menu

  • Christophe Meriaux

    Thanks, this is a cool feature.
    For the record, which notepad++ message do you send to open the Shortcut Mapper ?
    Soory to ask, but I didn't found your code on sourceforge.


  • Peter Frentrup

    Peter Frentrup - 2014-04-09

    I just realized, that the Plugin Central claims one should use version 0.7.5 of my plugin for Notepad++ prior to 6.4. Why is that? I have not heard of any bug reports and see no reason why the newer versions shouldn't work for old N++ as well. In fact I took great care to support both old-style and new-style preferences dialog (i.e. with tab-bar or list-view).


  • cchris

    cchris - 2014-04-09

    Theonly thing that I can tell for sure is that I added the comment as I updated the page for v0.8, at 21:03 on 07/11/2013.

    I cannot find a record of why this remark was added, but I'm sure there was a purpose. Perhaps an earlier report I got which I have scrubbed ever since. Or a problem I got at the time - no idea, and it was 9 months ago.

    For now I'll remove the addition - after all fewer and fewer people use N++ prior to 6.4, and they are encouraged to update the whole thing anyway. It would be nice if any problem happening now could be reported on your bug tracker, or at least on this thread.
