
Language Help plugin update v1.10

  • Franco

    Franco - 2008-06-27

    I have released a new version of the LanguageHelp plugin at

    Version 1.10 adds two main functionality to the previous version:

    - PDF help file search and capability (besides the usal HLP and CHL) as requested by Doru Slobodnicu.
    If one specify a PDF file as an help file in the option dialog box, the plugin automatically recognize it and call Acrobat to show it
    NOTE that this implementation is based on the Acrobat DDE and it therefore requires at least the Acrobat Reader, it does not support other viewers.

    - show the help files as menu entries either in the LanguageHelp plugin menu or in the main Notepad++ help menu.
    There are several options enabled in the main option dialog box of the plugin and the edit language dialog box to selectively show entries or disable the feature.
    This is useful if you don't want to search for a word but you just want to open the help file.

    As usual please post any comment that you may have.


    • Bertrou

      Bertrou - 2008-07-09

      Hi, very nice plugging. But there is a bog.
      when i want to put the help in the ? menu, it seems ok. But when i close notepad++ and i re-open notepad++, the held is not in the ? menu but in the plugging menu.

      Can you fix this bog ?

      Quand on positionne le langage dans le menu ?, il semble OK. sauf que lorsque l'on ferme notepad++ il n'est plus positionné dans ce menu au redemarrage de notepad++

      Merci de corriger cette anomalie.

      • Franco

        Franco - 2008-07-14

        I have uploaded v1.12 that should fix this bug.

        You can download it from here:

        Thank you for the report.



    • irradium

      irradium - 2008-06-30

      I've tried this new version but it seems that the new feature doesn't work: when I try to open a pdf help file, the plugin returns the error "no pdf viewer installed",  but of course I have Acrobat Reader installed (version 8).

      Any hints ?



      • Franco

        Franco - 2008-06-30

        I didn't have a machine with only Acrobat Reader to test on.
        But I think I see the problem now.
        I will upload a fix ASAS I have a chance to work on it.

      • Franco

        Franco - 2008-07-02

        Besides a bug in my plugin, the main problem is that Acrobat Reader does not support the DDE command to search in a PDF file.

        There is a command line search request but it only works on un-open PDF files... i.e. the first time you request help. If you do not close the PDF file, the plugin will not be able to search for a new keyword.

        There is only a painful solution which is to move to the OLE interaction with is provided only as MFC extension by Adobe... and I only have the free MSVC2005 which does not come with MFC library.

        For the moment I have implemented the command line search through AcroRd32 if the plugin does not find the full Acrobat.

        Please download v1.11 from the web site.

        If you have any suggestion or code example for the PDF OLE handling I will be happy to try to implement it.

