
nppcrypt plugin update failure

  • rzdndr

    rzdndr - 2014-07-19


    Note: I have send this message to the plugin development, but don't know if that is the appropriate place... So also sending it to the help forum... Sorry for the inconvenience caused...

    I was using the nppcrypt plugin. When I tried to update the plugin, it displays an error message and it can not be updated. It opens up a dialog (plugin manager) that says:

    [It has not been possible to validate the integrity of the "NppCrypt.dll" needed to install or update the plugin. Do You want to copy this file anyway (not recommended)]

    Wanted to decrypt the file but can not do this anymore. Is there another way to do this, maybe a standalone application (of this plugin) to rescue the file....

    Any ideas???

    I am using npp version 6.6.7. I do not know the previous version of the plugin. Also the encrypted file starts with SALTED__... and is not a hex file.

    Is there a document that explains the format of the encrypted file?

    Best Regards,

  • bruno diaz

    bruno diaz - 2015-04-01

    you need to install the old version of nppcrypt and try to decrypt your files (you could try with versions 1.006 to 1.009) ... it should work with one of them, then install the new version ( and encrypt again... I've updated from version 1.006 and I'm happy with the new version 1.010