
Any keyboard shortcut to fully unfold only CURRENT node? If there isn't, how do you build one?

New Daddy
  • New Daddy

    New Daddy - 2014-01-31

    Often times, I want to fully unfold only the CURRENT node (as opposed to all the nodes). Using the mouse to click the "+" in front of the node does the job, but a keyboard shortcut would be faster and let me keep my fingers on the keyboard.

    Is there such shortcut key? (I've done some searching but there seems to be none.)
    If there is indeed no such shortcut key, can I create one?


    THEVENOT Guy - 2014-01-31

    Hello New Daddy,

    I hope what we're speaking about the same N++ feature !? Because, by default :

    • To collapse the current level, just use the CTRL + ALT + F shortcut

    • To uncollapse the current level, use the SHIFT + CTRL + ALT + F shortcut

    Moreover, you can modify these two default shortcuts in Settings\Shortcut Mapper...\Main Menu ( # 107 and # 116, in N++ v6.5.3 )



    • New Daddy

      New Daddy - 2014-01-31

      Yes! that's exactly what I was looking for. Thanks!

    • New Daddy

      New Daddy - 2014-02-01

      Well, it turns out that that's not exactly what I'm looking for.

      I'm looking for a key shortcut to expand ALL nodes under the current level. The keys you listed only fold/unfold the current level.

      For example, let's say I have a node at level 1, and it has two sub nodes (sub 1, sub 2), and sub 1 has two sub-sub nodes (sub-sub 1, sub-sub 2). What I want is a key that will unfold everything under Level 1, including sub-sub nodes 1 & 2. The Shift+Ctrl+Alt+F only unfolds upto level 2 (sub 1, sub 2), but not leel 3 (sub-sub 1, sub-sub 2).


    THEVENOT Guy - 2014-02-03

    Hi New Daddy,

    Sorry for this late answer, but, last week-end, I was skiing ! Although weather wasn't very fine, I could rest my neurons a bit :-).

    Well, in fact, when you collapse/uncollapse the CURRENT level, with the two shortcuts CTRL + ALT + F and SHIFT + CTRL + ALT + F or by clicking, with the left mouse's button, on the symbol '-' or '+', the state of ALL the sub-levels, under the CURRENT one, don't change at all !!

    So, if you have, let say, three sub-levels, under the current one, levels sub-1 and sub-3 may be collapsed and sub-2 uncollapsed ! Therefore, any action of collapsing/uncollapsing will display / keep the states ( collapsed/uncollapsed ) of the 3 sub-levels of the CURRENT level !

    BUT, if your press, ONCE, the CTRL key, while clicking with the LEFT mouse's button :

    • on the '+' symbol on the CURRENT level, you uncollapsed ALL the sub-levels of the current level and all the sub-levels of the sub-levels and so on... Then, afterwards, you just have to use the two shortcuts, above, to collapse/uncollpase the complete EXPANDED structure of the CURRENT level

    • on the '-' symbol on the CURRENT level, you collapsed ALL the sub-levels of the current level and all the sub-levels of the sub-levels and so on... Then, afterwards, you just have to use the two shortcuts, above, to collapse/uncollpase the complete REDUCED structure of the CURRENT level

    Of course, the action "CTRL + Click" is a mouse action, but you need to do it ONCE only. Afterwards, you can go on, using the two shortcuts, relative to the CURRENT node !

    I hope that my explanations will be clear enough to you :-)

    Best regards



    Last edit: THEVENOT Guy 2014-02-03
    • New Daddy

      New Daddy - 2014-02-03

      That was very helpful. Thanks!
      I hope you had great time skiing.