
Indenting opens up the folding.

Raghav Das
  • Raghav Das

    Raghav Das - 2006-05-29

    I have the following problem.

    Problem Description:

        Before describing the problem, first let me describe the good behaviour of Notepad++ in v3.1 in order to compare it with the current behaviour of it in v3.5. The good behaviour of Notepad++ in v3.1 is as follows.
        The good behaviour of Notepad++ in v3.1:
        When you change the indentation of a folded text using the "select and press tab" method, the text gets reindented, but it remains folded (i.e. remains as it is collapsed).
        The bad behavioor in Notepad++ 3.5:
        When you reindent a folded text using the same method, then, although, the text gets reindented, but it gets expanded unnecessarily.
    This is the bad behaviour of Notepad++ in v3.5, and it is not good.

    Please change back to the old behaviour in v3.1, which is the proper behaviour.

    For example, type the following text in Notepad++ v3.1




    [Please note that there are 4 spaces before the text "ccc".]

    When you paste the above text in Notepad++, and change the language to "VB", you get a minus sign before the text "bbb".

    Now press alt-0 (alt-zero)

    You will see that the screen changes as follows.



    Now we can see that the text "ccc" has now gotten hidden, and the minus sign of "bbb" has become "plus" sign.

    Now select (highlight) the text starting from "bbb" to "ddd" (which includes the hidden text "ccc"), and press "tab" key.

    Now, here lies the difference between the versions 3.1 and 3.5.

    In v3.1, the indentation of the text changes but the "ccc" remains hidden, as it is.

    But, in v3.5, although the indentation of the text also changes, but the "ccc" becomes visible again, unnecessarily, and ceases to be hidden.

    This is the problem.

    Please note that although, in the above example, the text was a tiny text, the problem described above makes working irritating when there is large text.

    Please solve this problem in v3.5, which was OK in v3.1.

    • Raghav Das

      Raghav Das - 2006-06-13

      Please reply somebody. (15 days). In the above example, the version 3.5 of Notepad++ makes the text "ccc" visible unnecessarily (and the text ceases to be hidden). In version 3.1, the text used to remain hidden even after changing the indentation of this hidden folded text.

      This abovementioned behaviour of Notepad++ in version 3.1 was the most proper behaviour. The version 3.5 behaviour is erroneous. The version 3.1 behaviour was the most logical. Why was this proper behaviour changed? And why even the programmers of Notepad++ are not replying? Is this change in the behaviour of Notepad++ in v3.5 intentional?

      Or was it just a bug introduced in v3.5?

      [Please note that there are 4 spaces towards the left of text "ccc". But they were deleted automatically when I "paste"d the previous message in this forum.]