
Notepad++ in right click context menu

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I did this a while ago, and in time it just stopped working :(

    I was able to use regedit and add in a right click context menu that enabled me to right click on the files editable by Notepad++ and select my option called "Edit with Notepad++" this opened the selected file with Notepad++.

    I did this by going onto the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT and added the appropriate registry entries below the file type.



    that key had the REG_SZ value of:
    "C:\Program Files\Notepad++\notepad++.exe %1"

    After adding that key i was able to right click on a *.bat file and select "Edit with Notepad++" and presto!  The bat file will be opened with Notepad++.

    My environement i have a fully patched Win XP Pro SP2 system with Microsot Antispyware BETA1 installed.

    Now everytime i try to open the file via my right click context menu, it actually tries to run the bat file the first time.  If i allow it, the bat file will run.  Then i have to right click again and press "Edit with Notepad++" and from then on, things work great.

    This behavior is only for script files, like vbs, bat, and vb files.

    Do you all have experience with this, or is here a new option with 3.4 that i missed out on?  If it's not in 3.4, are their talks of adding this type of functionality?

    • windowns

      windowns - 2006-01-04

      Well, i have an account now, just wanted to link my OP with this account :) Any info on this yet?

      • Paulius

        Paulius - 2006-01-04

        Notepad++ v3.4 has a shell extension thingy. So, you should download it and use it! And stop playing with your registry! :)

        PS: you can find it here:

        PPS: readme.txt explains how to install it.