
Is it possible to style the function-parameters-hint text

  • migf1

    migf1 - 2012-11-16

    Hello everyone,

    I'm adding some C# methods into plugins\API\cs.xml, to be used along with the function-parameters-hint feature. They're working just fine, but some methods have a really long parameters list (for example some overloaded versions of the System.String.Compare() method).

    So I was wondering if there's a way to "tell" npp to reduce the font-size in the produced call-tip (or setup any other style for that matter)?

    PS. On a side note, is there any cs.xml floating around, utilizing commonly used c# methods, or .net methods in general? Google has not help so far.

    Thanks in advance.


    Last edit: migf1 2012-11-16
  • migf1

    migf1 - 2012-11-18

    Judging from the fact that no-one answers, I guess it is not possible.

    Staying on the same function parameters hint topic, I've recently noticed that if two function have lots of common prefix characters in their names (for example: strmcp() and strcmpi() ) then once the shortest one is used then the longest one always falls back to the shortest.

    Try for example the following:

    1. Open a saved .cpp file (or create & save a new one)
    2. type: strcmp(
      the function-parameters-hint will pop-up

    From this point on, everything longer starting with "strcmp" (e.g strcmpi) will always pop-up strcmp()'s parameters hint.

    cpp.xml does not include hint info for strcmpi() so for this particular example, you should manually add it...

        <KeyWord name="strcmpi" func="yes">
            <Overload retVal="int" >
                <Param name="const char *s1" />
                <Param name="const char *s2" />

    This is a rather serious inconvenience, imho. Is there any way to fix it at the user end, or should it be reported as a bug?

    I'm on v6.2 (haven't noticed it in previous versions, but I was NOT looking for it).


    Last edit: migf1 2012-11-18
  • cchris

    cchris - 2012-12-05

    Please feel free to contribute such info for inclusion in future releases.
