
Compare plugin

  • Ty Landercasper

    Ty Landercasper - 2007-08-27

    I wrote a small plug in to add the compare(diff) feature to notepad++
    I'd like to submit it, but I couldn't find in the faq how to go about doing that.

    If you'd like to try it out, my friend has kindly offered to host it on his site at:

    I'm normally a c# guy, so this is not only my first plugin, but also my first time using c++. So, hopefully it doesn't crash and burn your computer :p

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I had a very good GFC running under OS/2, but I havn't the code !
      It aws written by Barney Scott, IBM Husley, UK, 1994 !!!!

      Unfortunattely, I have never found the same kind of tool under unix or windows.
      Your compare plugin is a good step in this direction.

      As very usefull options, GFC has:
      - a composite view, with interleaved unmatched lines (matched lines are shown once)
      - without interleave, the 2 files are displayed by line number
      - 3 colors of text : file 1, file 2, matched lines
      - 3 colors of background : idem
      - on the right of screen, 2 graphic lines, with colored cursors, give an idea where you are in the text (very useful in a long source file)

      At this era, an usefull fonction copy/paste was implemented !

      Do you think your plugging would be able to produce a composite view ?

      Sorry, I'm not able to get a screen copy to send you.


      • Nobody/Anonymous

        Like some people said here i didn't find any way to make it work. Nothing happend when i tried to compare panels. But then i tried to do "View > Second window"(Вид -> Вторым окном) and i was excited about this plugin. Thanks to tylandercasper. It is very helpful for comparsion two *.reg files. THanks again.

    • Jens Lorenz

      Jens Lorenz - 2007-08-28


      I just tested it, and I can only say - it's realy awesome. Good implementation!
      You can host your project here:

      I have also some suggestions, but we can discuss it offline.
      If you would like to join the plugins team, sent me a mail.

      Best Regards

      • Don HO

        Don HO - 2007-08-28

        Yes, it's not bad at all!
        Let me know when the code source is available so I can publish it on Notepad++ site.


    • Simon Berger

      Simon Berger - 2007-08-28

      Yeah, thats something we needed.
      I have 2 ideas for helpful things.

      - A list on the bottom where the matches and changed areas (with line numbers) are listed, you can select them and only this area ist highlighted. Similar to how it is done in HexWorkshop (nice implementation :))

      - The compare plugin should work with the hex view. That would be very interesting (for me)

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      @Ty Landercasper
      Thank you for that little plug-in!

      IMO it's a great extention to NP++, very useful indeed.
      Alt+d works and the given colours are ok too.

      Good work.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      This is a great idea, but it does not actually seem to do anything.  When I select Compare > Compare Panels, nothing happens.  No such panels appear (nor any message, such as instructions) and existing tabs are not compared whether they are files or just in memory.  What am I missing and what do you mean by "Panels" if not something that appears after selecting the "Compare Panels" command?

      • Bob Helling

        Bob Helling - 2007-09-19

        I also was confused by how to use this.  I don't believe I've ever used the View > Go to another view option before.  Maybe a very short note added to the About window would be helpful just to get people started on how to use it.

        But thank you for this excellent addition to N++!  I have been wanting something like this for a while.

      • Nobody/Anonymous

        I see what you meant by panels now: the things that are created when using View > Go to another view or View > Clone to another view.  Could you make it work with tabs too and perhaps automatically create the view/panel?

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Hmmm...  I am having a hard time getting the compare to work.  It would be a wonderful tool to have in NP++ but I can't seem to get it to work.  I thought the post about how to show a document in another panel would help get this to work but it still doesn't.  I am wondering if my Windows Vista has something to do with this.  I don't think that it should, but I don't know.  Does anyone have any suggestions for this?

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Very good idea.
      One question: is it possible to combine two or more files with it?