
Font used for Perl color syntaxing ?

  • Nobody/Anonymous


    I'm used to write some Perl script for my job.

    I was using CrimsonEditor before.
    The default color was good and default font was allways a non proportional one, which is a good idea for programation code.

    I want to use Notepad++ now.

    Notepad++ use a proportional font for comments, and comments displayed in the editor look very strange !?

    I mean for example that you can't write comments this way :

    # myFonc(param1, param2, param3)
    #          |        |       |
    # handle --+        |       |
    # file name --------+       |
    # used mode ----------------+

    because you get something without form and the unreadable !!!

    Is it possible to modify default font for Perl comments for a non proportional one ?



    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Hey !!!

      If you want to see what I mean in my examples, look at the source code of this page.
