
Function list

  • David Bailey

    David Bailey - 2015-06-09

    I notice some discussion about function lists - which sounds like a very useful facility. However, even though I am coding in C++ (more or less C), I can't find any way to activate this feature.

    There is an option in the View menu that I can click - which produces a check mark - but all that happens is a slight change to the border of the code window (which made me think another panel was hidden in there somewhere), but I can't seem to find the function list panel at all!

    I am using version 6.7.7 .

    Do I need a plugin?

    I am sure I am missing something obvious.



    Last edit: David Bailey 2015-06-09
  • Justin Dailey

    Justin Dailey - 2015-06-10

    No plugins are needed. I'd say the panel is just resized to be really thin. Try hovering your mouse over the border that slightly changed and see if you can click and drag it.

  • David Bailey

    David Bailey - 2015-06-10

    Thanks for replying!

    I should have said that I did spend some time doing exactly what you suggested!

    Because I have upgraded NP++ for many versions by extracting the .exe from the zip and replacing only that file, I have just downloaded the 6.7.7 installer and run that. However, I didn't wipe out my settings because resetting them would take a lot of effort!

    After the install, I still have the same problem, so I imagine the problem is a result of something that I must have configured. The display of the text always occupies the entire main window (except when using the compare plugin).

    I use 64-bit Windows 7.


  • Christophe Meriaux

    Hello David,
    sometimes xml config file are not compatible when you upgrade.
    Save your complete directory of notepad++ config (in roaming folder and install folder) and do a fresh install.
    Confirm function list is working again.
    Close notepad++ and do a diff between you new config file and old config do get your parameter back.

    roaming folder is : C:\Users\xxxUserNamexxx\AppData\Roaming\Notepad++

    Good luck

  • Christophe Meriaux

    Hello again,
    I made a test. I diffed the config files between activation and deactivation of function list.

    Useful parameters are :


    <GUIConfig name="DockingManager" leftWidth="348" rightWidth="286" topHeight="200" bottomHeight="175">
    <PluginDlg pluginName="Notepad++::InternalFunction" id="44084" curr="1" prev="-1" isVisible="yes"/>
    <ActiveTabs cont="1" activeTab="-1"/>

    Can you check your leftWidth="348" and rightWidth="286" and isVisible="yes"
    Can you post your complete config.xml ? So I will check your xml structure.


  • David Bailey

    David Bailey - 2015-06-11

    Thanks Christophe - you have nailed the problem - my rightWidth was 0 - I used a larger value and then I could open the function list panel further by simply dragging the edge!

    I guess there isn't any reason not to use the full installer - although in fact that didn't correct this issue when I tried it earlier. I avoided using the installer for fear it would reset various settings I have added over the years - in particular the various shortcut settings.


  • David Bailey

    David Bailey - 2015-06-11

    Unfortunately I seem to have hit an unfortunate bug in the function list feature.

    Many of my functions are explicitly declared as extern "C"

    extern "C" void my_function()

    Functions declared in this way don't seem to feature in the list!


  • Menno Vogels

    Menno Vogels - 2015-06-11

    Nope, not a bug just not supported unless you change/customize the applicable regex in FunctionList.xml.

  • David Bailey

    David Bailey - 2015-06-12

    Thanks Menno,

    I am curious as to why this isn't supported! I mean it is part of the standard. I could understand it if the function list didn't support preprocessor macros in function headers (it can't without scanning the header files), but this seems so simple.

    If I fix FunctionList.xml, will that get overwritten at the next install? However, I'll probably not do it immediately because my brain is too full of my current project!



    Last edit: David Bailey 2015-06-12
  • Menno Vogels

    Menno Vogels - 2015-06-12

    Well I guess the initial creator of the parser didn't need it.
    I don't remember whether or not it gets overwritten at the next install. Make sure you keep a copy! :)