HaeRim Lee - 2014-11-10

For tail feature, the following two features are very much required.
- Realtime update when log file contents changes. This can be achieved by
checking system's Event log service.
- Word-level highlighting. This is really useful when monitoring lots of

I have seen and tried most of Windows tail utilities.
Among them the only one satisfied these two requirements was 'Tail for
Win32 program' from CodeProject. It has many drawbacks but these two
features beats all the drawbacks. At least for me. So, I always use it
for tailing purpose.

Check the following link for screen shot.


When I debug multi-thread and/or multi-process programs, these features
make my life whole lot easier.
For example, I can color the thread and/or process names in different
colors, so that I can very quickly and easily see which logs are from which

[image: Inline image 1]

I really hope Notepad++ supports these two features soonest possible.

HaeRim Lee