
Verbose Backup

  • Noit

    Noit - 2014-02-05

    Hi there,
    I like the verbose backup thing but its a problem. All my projects contain some common names like bootstrap.js and install.rdf

    I was wondering if we could set the custom directory to save the verbose backup to have like replaceable stuff like: F:\%parent_dir%

    so in F:\ drive it creates a folder with the same name as the parent folder of the file im editting. this would be so much more useful! :)

  • cchris

    cchris - 2014-02-08

    Please post a feature request ticket on Sourceforge.
    I think it would be easy to parse a backup file under a form like


    with pretty self-explanatory pseudo variable names.


  • Daniel K

    Daniel K - 2014-09-19

    I would like this as well. I actually want to to do something like