
u3p version of Notepad++

  • rene47

    rene47 - 2007-03-16


    I'm using a USB stick with u3 software. I want to use Notepad++ on the stick, but now it is a little bit lost on the stick. If I could install it as a u3p file (a U3 package) it would appear in the Launchpad with the other programs.
    Are you going to deliver this version of Notepad++ in the near future?

    BTW, I have tried a lot of editors, but Notepad++ beats them all! So keep up the good work, guys (and gall)!


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I've currently got editpad(u3) on my thumb drive, but its nowhere near as good as npp. I was hoping someone would package it as u3p, but for now i've just got it installed somewhere on the drive. It would be much easier and nicer if it were in the launchpad though...

      • Don HO

        Don HO - 2007-03-18
    • Salocin Delbab

      Salocin Delbab - 2007-03-17

      Guys you should be looking into the framakey... easy to twick and easy to add portable app...
      (personally I use it a lot with NPP, and MinGw installed on my key...)

      For the rest if you like the fact that the NPP is on a stick and do not leave any trace put doLocalConf.xml (empty file) on the same place as your Npp program.....

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Yes, but I would prefer to have it packaged as u3p, so I can put it on my u3 enabled USB, and have it in the startup menu, without having to install additional stuff such as framakey.

      Also, Framakey is in french, english version is only beta.