
Software mode?

  • Olivier Migeot

    Olivier Migeot - 2005-04-17

    Looks like there is a platform-independant software renderer in No Gravity. I'm trying to compile some linux binary without OpenGL (crappy video card...), and I can't find a way (either through ./configure or modifying project architecture) to do it.

    Any idea? Thanks.

    • Matt Williams

      Matt Williams - 2005-04-20

      <p>Unfortunately, I'm not sure how easy it will be to enable the software renderer on Linux.  While the core of the renderer is platform-independent, I'd guess that the rest (e.g. the code to write to the screen) probably isn't.  I'll try to have a quick look at this this evening and see if there's any easy of way fixing it.</p>

      <p>As an alternative, have you considered using a software OpenGL implementation?  This should just work.  Admittedly, the performance might be worse than the built-in software renderer.</p>

      <p>Hope this helps.  I'll let you know how I get on with the software renderer.</p>


      • Matt Williams

        Matt Williams - 2005-04-20

        I've done some investigation into the software renderer on Linux.  As I suspected, it's non-trivial.

        Let me know how you get on with a software OpenGL implementation.  If it's really not working, I might take another look at the software renderer.


    • Stephane Denis

      Stephane Denis - 2005-04-20

      OK so some information about the software renderer.

      It works on Windows using DirectDraw and under BeOS as well (I'm always checkin that it is working).

      For doing a linux port, you need to write a '2D client' (something equivalent to DirectDraw'

      I think SDL has something about that : Basically it's : creating a window, access to the framebuffer and that it. Preferably a 32-bit buffer, but the sw renderer as a 16-bit renderer.

      After that, you need to remove the sdl_gl.cpp, gl_gx.cpp, gl_v3x.cpp and add the files from the software renderer

      Ther software renderer is very fast (in fact, you can top 60 fps with no problem on recent machine, even when running in 32bit).

      Some effects are disabled with sw renderer, it's not the same quality than OpenGL but it's good enough. It's pure C, and entirely cross platform.

      If you need more details, send a mail to realtech at sourceforge

      Btw, there is also a 'Glide' renderer, for the hardcore 3Dfx users (this one, I didn't tested it for year, it might still works).

    • Stephane Denis

      Stephane Denis - 2005-04-20

      I added a new file : gx_sdl.cpp in /rlx32/src/linux
      It just guideline to enable the sw renderer. It shouldn't be too difficult in fact.

    • Matt Williams

      Matt Williams - 2005-04-21

      Software mode is now supported on Linux.  Just append --disable-opengl to your configure, e.g.

      ./configure --disable-opengl --enable-sound=sdl_mixer



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