
#311 set rndseed does not work

v1.0 (example)

The attached circuit does not work as expected.
A "set rndseed=33" in a control section does not have
the expected effect that multiple runs of the file all
give exactly the same output. Using the command in
spinit is OK, but less convenient.


test rndseed
v1 1 0 DC 150 trnoise ( 1V 10m 0 0 )
.tran 0.01 0.4

    set rndseed=33
    plot -i(v1)



  • marcel hendrix

    marcel hendrix - 2015-07-06
    • Description has changed:


    --- old
    +++ new
    @@ -1,17 +1,8 @@
     The attached circuit does not work as expected.
    -The "set rndseed=33" does not have the expected effect
    -that multiple runs of the file all give exactly the same
    -Hypothesis based on debugging:
    -Random numbers are pre-computed in large batches 
    -BEFORE the set command is processed?
    -There is also a test in main.c for rnd_seed, far before
    -the circuit is parsed (and "set" is executed).
    -Probably this should be test for an rnd_seed in the
    -program environment, setup in the OS shell, not for a 
    -variable set inside the program.
    +A "set rndseed=33" in a control section does not have 
    +the expected effect that multiple runs of the file all 
    +give exactly the same output. Using the command in
    +spinit is OK, but less convenient.
  • marcel hendrix

    marcel hendrix - 2015-07-06

    Here is a possible fix that allows to set rndseed on the
    OS shell commandline before running ngspice. Setting rndseed
    in the spinit file should also be OK. Setting rndseed in
    a control section will not work.

    /* Check if a seed has been set by the command 'set rndseed=value'
       in spinit (or on the OS commandline) with integer value > 0. 
       If available, call srand(value).
       This will override the call to srand in main.c.
       Checkseed should be put in front of any call to rand or CombLCGTaus.. .
    void checkseed(void) {
       int newseed;
       static int oldseed;
       static int gotit = 0, myseed = 0;
       if (gotit == 0) { 
            char *varseed = getenv("rndseed"); 
            if (varseed != NULL) myseed = (unsigned int)atoi(varseed); gotit = 1; }
       if (myseed > 0 && oldseed != myseed) { 
            srand((unsigned int)myseed); TausSeed(); oldseed = myseed; return; }
       if (cp_getvar("rndseed", CP_NUM, &newseed)) {
          if ((newseed > 0) && (oldseed != newseed)) { 
            srand((unsigned int)newseed); TausSeed(); oldseed = newseed; }
  • marcel hendrix

    marcel hendrix - 2015-07-06

    The observed behavior of rndseed is not a bug as
    it is clearly documented in the manual that rndseed
    should be changed in the spinit or .spiceinit file.
    Setting it in a .control section is not mentioned

    That the patch causes rndseed to be (also) under
    control of the OS shell is a convenient new feature,
    not a bugfix.

    This bug will be closed.

  • marcel hendrix

    marcel hendrix - 2015-07-06
    • status: open --> closed-invalid
    • assigned_to: marcel hendrix
  • Robert Larice

    Robert Larice - 2015-07-06

    Hello marcel,

    There is an obscure feature in the ngspice frontend
    which allows prefixing .control commands with "pre_"

    I forgot the exact syntax,
    but would you please try something like
    pre_set rndseed = 42



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