
Tree [807649] master /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 application 2013-05-19 rsjtdrjgfuzkfg rsjtdrjgfuzkfg [807649] Switched to not allowing comments and allowing ...
 system 2012-06-02 rsjtdrjgfuzkfg rsjtdrjgfuzkfg [afcb84] No longer escape operators in active record.
 .gitignore 2012-05-30 Matt Parnell Matt Parnell [143ecc] Merge remote-tracking branch 'ci/2.1-stable'
 .travis.yml 2012-05-30 Matt Parnell Matt Parnell [143ecc] Merge remote-tracking branch 'ci/2.1-stable'
 CodeIgniter_License.txt 2011-12-19 Matt Parnell Matt Parnell [c020a1] add CodeIgniter (v2.1)
 README 2011-12-20 Matt Parnell Matt Parnell [c42995] setup ion_auth partially, anyway
 featherweight.sql 2013-05-19 rsjtdrjgfuzkfg rsjtdrjgfuzkfg [807649] Switched to not allowing comments and allowing ...
 htaccess.example.txt 2012-05-30 Matt Parnell Matt Parnell [6101ca] partial update to current codeigniter, while re...
 index.php 2011-12-19 Matt Parnell Matt Parnell [c020a1] add CodeIgniter (v2.1)
 license.txt 2012-05-30 Matt Parnell Matt Parnell [143ecc] Merge remote-tracking branch 'ci/2.1-stable'

Read Me


Featherweight is an addons site for Mozilla based software products. 
Contrary to the Zamboni platform, it is written in PHP. Featherweight 
is based on the CodeIgniter framework, and aims to be a more 
lightweight, simplistic alternative.

Since many opensource projects use free or shared hosting, sometimes 
php is the best way to go. In terms of performance, not having a 
persistent process is sometimes required, such as with Dreamhost.


Featherweight is originally conceived and written by 
Matt Parnell/ilikenwf, and is (C) Copyright 2011 Matt Parnell; however, 
it is licensed under the GNU GPLv3.

Ion_Auth is copyright Ben Edmunds, and can be found at the following:

This README must be included in any distribution, modification, or live
version of the application in order to keep credit to those due and
to affirm it's status under the GPLv3.


If you would like to support development, please support the 
Nightingale project with code contributions (to Featherweight 
or Nightingale itself) ...just visit our forums at or join us in IRC on MozNet, in #nightingale


All that's required is a standard LAMP setup - Linux, Apache, MySQL, 
and PHP...

From there, decide where in your webroot or subdomain, or vhost you'd 
like to put Featherweight, and clone the git repo there. Then, edit 
application/config/database.php to set your database details. YOU MUST
set the absolute path to featherweight/application/cache/db and turn caching on in
order to cache database queries (HIGHLY RECCOMENDED!).

Then, in config.php, make sure to set a session key to enable session 

Further information for configuration is detailed in each of the files 
in application/config/*.php

Then, navigate your browser to the location you installed featherweight,
and you should be able to login using:

Make sure to change your password!