
NewMagMS / News: Recent posts

We are going to close download page

My team relized that our project breaked the GNU/GPL law (use commercial component with out copytright license but we use that component for studying only). I'm terrible sorry about what i have done.

A new GNU version of this project will be develop in a short time.

Contact info: or

Team of NewMagMS

Posted by Tri Huy 2006-07-18

A pre-final released

Many changes are made. NewMagMS seems stable in this release but still long road a head

Posted by Tri Huy 2006-07-06

Main Class Structures is Completed

Main classes were defined lastnight (22/4/2006)

Posted by Anonymous 2006-04-23

Database almost completed

1 day ago, all logic diagram seems fine.But only one weak point is : Vietnamese is main language ;-)

Posted by Anonymous 2006-04-20