
Netpbm2Gimp / News: Recent posts

Update of gimp-netpbm2gimp-plugins to Netpbm 11.06.01

This is an update of gimp-netpbm2gimp-plugins to correspond to the 11-Apr-2024 release of the Netpbm utilities.

No new utilities have been added recently to Netpbm, but there have been a number of upstream bug fixes and feature enhancements made to various utilities. See the Netpbm change log for a list of everything that's changed in Netpbm v11.06.01 (and all other versions in the "Advanced" release).

Posted by Scott Pakin 2024-05-28 Labels: release

Release of Netpbm2Gimp v1.15

Netpbm2Gimp v1.15 has just been released. This version makes the code compatible with Netpbm v11.06.01 (11-Apr-2024) by adding support for pnm_formattypenm and pm_parse_maxval.

Posted by Scott Pakin 2024-05-28 Labels: release

Update of gimp-netpbm2gimp-plugins to Netpbm 11.04.06

This is an update of gimp-netpbm2gimp-plugins to correspond to the 26-Dec-2023 release of the Netpbm utilities. No new utilities have been added recently to Netpbm, but svgtopam had been omitted inadvertently from gimp-netpbm2gimp-plugins and is now included.

There have been a number of upstream bug fixes and feature enhancements made to various utilities. See the Netpbm change log for a list of everything that's changed in Netpbm v11.04.06 (and all prior versions in the "Advanced" release).

Posted by Scott Pakin 2023-12-28 Labels: release

Release of Netpbm2Gimp v1.14

Netpbm2Gimp v1.14 has just been released. This version makes the code compatible with Netpbm v11.04.06 (26-Dec-2023) by adding support for pm_getuint.

Posted by Scott Pakin 2023-12-28 Labels: release

Update of gimp-netpbm2gimp-plugins to Netpbm 11.00.02

This is an update of gimp-netpbm2gimp-plugins to correspond to the 14-Nov-2022 release of the Netpbm utilities. Six new utilities have been added since the 12-Aug-2021 release: pbmnoise, pamrestack, pamshuffle, pamtoqoi, qoitopam, and pamcut, which replaces pnmcut. There also have been a number of bug fixes and feature enhancements made to various utilities. See the Netpbm change log for a list of everything that's changed in Netpbm v11.00.02 (and all prior versions in the "Advanced" release).

Posted by Scott Pakin 2022-12-04 Labels: release

Release of Netpbm2Gimp v1.13

Netpbm2Gimp v1.13 has just been released. This version makes the code compatible with Netpbm v11.00.02 (14-Nov-2022) by adding support for pnm_createWhiteTuple() and pnm_backgroundtuplerow().

Posted by Scott Pakin 2022-12-04 Labels: release

Update of gimp-netpbm2gimp-plugins to Netpbm 10.95.01

This is an update of gimp-netpbm2gimp-plugins to correspond to the 12-Aug-2021 release of the Netpbm utilities. No new utilities have been added; this release merely incorporates all of the bug fixes and feature enhancements that have been made upstream to various utilities. See the Netpbm change log for a list of everything that's changed in Netpbm v10.95.01 (and all prior versions).

Posted by Scott Pakin 2021-08-29 Labels: release

Update of gimp-netpbm2gimp-plugins to Netpbm 10.94.01

This is an update of gimp-netpbm2gimp-plugins to correspond to the 30-Mar-2021 release of the Netpbm utilities. The pamhomography utility has been added, and ppmbrighten has been removed as it's been superseded by pambrighten. In addition, a number of bug fixes and feature enhancements that have been made upstream to various utilities and to the Netpbm libraries are incorporated into this release. See the Netpbm change log for a list of everything that's changed in Netpbm v10.94.01 (and all prior versions).

Posted by Scott Pakin 2021-04-02 Labels: release

Release of Netpbm2Gimp v1.12

Netpbm2Gimp v1.12 has just been released. This version makes the code compatible with Netpbm v10.94.01 (30-Mar-2021) by including all of Netpbm's new random-number functions (pm_rand(), pm_srand, etc.) It also removes absolute menu names for compatibility with newer versions of Gimp.

Posted by Scott Pakin 2021-04-02 Labels: release

Update of gimp-netpbm2gimp-plugins to Netpbm 10.91.01

Netpbm2Gimp's gimp-netpbm2gimp-plugins subpackage, which provides hundreds of pre-built Gimp plug-ins created using Netpbm2Gimp, has been updated to correspond to version 10.91.01 (21-Jul-2020) of Netpbm. This update include three Netpbm utilities that were previously inadvertently omitted and includes a large number of upstream bug fixes and improvements made since the previous release of gimp-netpbm2gimp-plugins. Netpbm2Gimp itself remains at version v1.11.... read more

Posted by Scott Pakin 2020-07-27

Release of Netpbm2Gimp v1.11

Netpbm2Gimp v1.11 has just been released. This version is a very minor update that merely adds support for the latest version of Netpbm. The gimp-netpbm2gimp-plugins subpackage, which provides hundreds of pre-built GIMP plug-ins created using Netpbm2Gimp, has been updated to correspond to version 10.90.00 (26-Mar-2020) of Netpbm and includes a large number of upstream bug fixes and improvements made since the previous release of gimp-netpbm2gimp-plugins.... read more

Posted by Scott Pakin 2020-04-14

Release of Netpbm2Gimp v1.10

Netpbm2Gimp v1.10 has just been released. This version is a minor update that merely adds support for the latest version of Netpbm. The gimp-netpbm2gimp-plugins subpackage, which provides hundreds of pre-built GIMP plug-ins created using Netpbm2Gimp, has been updated to correspond to version 10.85.00 (29-Dec-2018) of Netpbm and includes a large number of upstream bug fixes and improvements made since the previous release of gimp-netpbm2gimp-plugins.... read more

Posted by Scott Pakin 2019-01-03 Labels: release

Update of gimp-netpbm2gimp-plugins to Netpbm 10.83.01

Netpbm2Gimp's gimp-netpbm2gimp-plugins subpackage, which provides hundreds of pre-built Gimp plug-ins created using Netpbm2Gimp, has been updated to correspond to version 10.83.01 (7JUL2018) of Netpbm. This update provides three new Netpbm utilities and includes a large number of upstream bug fixes and improvements made since the previous release of gimp-netpbm2gimp-plugins. Netpbm2Gimp itself remains at version v1.9.... read more

Posted by Scott Pakin 2018-07-19

Release of Netpbm2Gimp v1.9

Netpbm2Gimp v1.9 has just been released. This version is a minor update that merely adds support for the latest version of Netpbm. The gimp-netpbm2gimp-plugins subpackage, which provides hundreds of pre-built Gimp plug-ins created using Netpbm2Gimp, has been updated to correspond to version 10.78.04 (27MAY2017) of Netpbm and includes a large number of upstream bug fixes and improvements made since the previous release of gimp-netpbm2gimp-plugins.... read more

Posted by Scott Pakin 2017-06-04

Release of Netpbm2Gimp v1.8

Netpbm2Gimp v1.8 has just been released. This version is a minor update that merely adds support for a few recently introduced Netpbm functions. The gimp-netpbm2gimp-plugins subpackage, which provides hundreds of pre-built Gimp plug-ins created using Netpbm2Gimp, has been updated to correspond to version 10.75.01 (13AUG2016) of Netpbm and includes a large number of upstream bug fixes and improvements made since the previous release of gimp-netpbm2gimp-plugins.... read more

Posted by Scott Pakin 2016-08-22

Release of Netpbm2Gimp v1.7

Netpbm2Gimp v1.7 has just been released. This version represents
a large number of significant bug fixes relative to Netpbm2Gimp v1.6
but no new functions in the API. The gimp-netpbm2gimp-plugins
subpackage, which provides hundreds of pre-built Gimp plug-ins created
using Netpbm2Gimp, has been updated to correspond to version 10.70.04
(30APR2015) of Netpbm and includes a large number of upstream bug
fixes and improvements made since the previous release of
gimp-netpbm2gimp-plugins.... read more

Posted by Scott Pakin 2015-05-11

Release of Netpbm2Gimp v1.6

Netpbm2Gimp v1.6 has just been released. This version represents a very minor update from Netpbm2Gimp v1.5—primarily just some internal updates to use the latest build-time and run-time APIs. The gimp-netpbm2gimp-plugins subpackage, which provides hundreds of pre-built Gimp plug-ins created using Netpbm2Gimp, has been updated to correspond to version 10.65.07 of Netpbm and includes a large number of upstream bug fixes and improvements made since the previous release of gimp-netpbm2gimp-plugins.... read more

Posted by Scott Pakin 2014-03-31

Release of Netpbm2Gimp v1.5

Netpbm2Gimp v1.5 has just been released. The intention of this version is to help Netpbm2Gimp compile the programs included in Netpbm v10.59.00 (released 28JUN2012). To that end, there is now support for the visual, color_depth, have_opacity, and opacity_plane fields of struct pam and for the Netpbm functions pm_readlittlelong2(), pnm_addopacityrow(), pnm_makerowrgba(), and every function defined by Netpbm's matrix.c. The gimp-netpbm2gimp-plugins package, which provides hundreds of prebuilt Gimp plug-ins created using Netpbm2Gimp, includes such recent Netpbm programs as pamtosrf, srftopam, and ppmtospu.... read more

Posted by Scott Pakin 2012-07-08

Release of Netpbm2Gimp v1.4

Netpbm2Gimp v1.4 has just been released. The intention of this version is to help Netpbm2Gimp compile the programs included in Netpbm v10.54.03 (released 6APR2011). The gimp-netpbm2gimp-plugins package, which provides hundreds of prebuilt GIMP plug-ins created using Netpbm2Gimp, includes such recent Netpbm programs as pamrubber, pamwipeout, and ppmtoapplevol.

Netpbm2Gimp is available for download from, or follow the links from the Netpbm2Gimp home page, Some other relevant links are the home pages for the Netpbm toolkit ( and the GIMP drawing program (

Posted by Scott Pakin 2011-04-13

Release of Netpbm2Gimp v1.2

Netpbm2Gimp v1.2 has just been released. Two major bugs that this
version fixes include one that prevented plug-ins from terminating
cleanly and another that swaps black and white in PBM filters if the
Gimp colormap happens to list white before black. Other changes in
Netpbm2Gimp v1.2 include the addition of more functions from the
Netpbm library.

The gimp-netpbm2gimp-plugins package, which provides hundreds of
prebuilt GIMP plug-ins created by converting unmodified Netpbm
programs to GIMP plug-ins using Netpbm2Gimp, has been updated to
correspond to version 10.49.01 of Netpbm.... read more

Posted by Scott Pakin 2010-01-18

Release of Netpbm2Gimp v1.1

Netpbm2Gimp 1.1 traps standard output and standard error and displays
these in dialog boxes when the plug-in finishes running. This is
particularly useful when converting Netpbm "analyzer" programs, which
write their analyses directly to the standard output device instead of
via the Netpbm pm_message() function.

Netpbm2Gimp is a tool that makes developing GUI-friendly plug-ins for
the GIMP as simple as writing a command-line Netpbm program. With
Netpbm2Gimp, programmers writing graphics filters can focus on filter
development and leave the complex GUI interactions to Netpbm2Gimp.
The Netpbm2Gimp project also provides a gimp-netpbm2gimp-plugins
package that contains hundreds of prebuilt GIMP plug-ins created by
converting unmodified Netpbm programs to GIMP plug-ins using
Netpbm2Gimp.... read more

Posted by Scott Pakin 2009-03-09

Release of Netpbm2Gimp v1.0a

Netpbm2Gimp has been updated to build more cleanly under Debian Lenny
(new GIMP, new GCC, new Perl, ...). Users of the binary Netpbm2Gimp
builds shouldn't notice any differences.

Netpbm2Gimp is a tool that makes developing GUI-friendly plug-ins for
the GIMP as simple as writing a command-line Netpbm program. With
Netpbm2Gimp, programmers writing graphics filters can focus on filter
development and leave the complex GUI interactions to Netpbm2Gimp.
The Netpbm2Gimp project also provides a gimp-netpbm2gimp-plugins
package that contains hundreds of prebuilt GIMP plug-ins created by
converting unmodified Netpbm programs to GIMP plug-ins using
Netpbm2Gimp.... read more

Posted by Scott Pakin 2009-02-16

Initial release of Netpbm2Gimp

The first public release of Netpbm2Gimp is now available on! Netpbm2Gimp makes developing GUI-friendly plug-ins
for the GIMP as simple as writing a command-line Netpbm program. With
Netpbm2Gimp, programmers writing graphics filters can focus on filter
development and leave the complex GUI interactions to Netpbm2Gimp.
The Netpbm2Gimp project also provides a gimp-netpbm2gimp-plugins
package that contains hundreds of prebuilt GIMP plug-ins created by
converting unmodified Netpbm programs to GIMP plug-ins using
Netpbm2Gimp.... read more

Posted by Scott Pakin 2009-02-15