
Tree [2f5e34] master /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 INURLBR 2015-11-30 pedr0 pedr0 [2f5e34] Initial commit
 files 2015-11-30 pedr0 pedr0 [2f5e34] Initial commit
 logs 2015-11-30 pedr0 pedr0 [2f5e34] Initial commit
 modules 2015-11-30 pedr0 pedr0 [2f5e34] Initial commit
 priv8 2015-11-30 pedr0 pedr0 [2f5e34] Initial commit
 shellter 2015-11-30 pedr0 pedr0 [2f5e34] Initial commit
 sslstrip-0.9 2015-11-30 pedr0 pedr0 [2f5e34] Initial commit
 templates 2015-11-30 pedr0 pedr0 [2f5e34] Initial commit 2015-11-30 pedr0 pedr0 [2f5e34] Initial commit
 license 2015-11-30 pedr0 pedr0 [2f5e34] Initial commit 2015-11-30 pedr0 pedr0 [2f5e34] Initial commit
 readme.txt 2015-11-30 pedr0 pedr0 [2f5e34] Initial commit
 toolkit_config 2015-11-30 pedr0 pedr0 [2f5e34] Initial commit

Read Me

-- NETOOL TOOLKIT 4.6 [ STABLE ] MitM opensource tollkit
-- Author:  [ r00t-3xp10it ]
-- Project HomePage:
-- Project WIKIPage:
-- Dependencies: zenity, Nmap, Ettercap, Macchanger, Metasploit, Driftnet, Apache2, sslstrip
-- INURLBR Dependencies: curl, libcurl3, libcurl3-dev, php5, php5-cli, php5-curl
-- The author does not hold any responsibility about the bad use of this script,
-- remmenber that attacking targets without prior concent its ilegal and punish
-- by law, However you are allowed to protect yourselfe from any intruder by any
-- meens necessary (using this tool the ethical way) please read the license.
-- toolkit provides a fast and easy way For new arrivals to IT security
-- pentesting and also to experience users to use allmost all features that the
-- Man-In-The-Middle can provide under local lan, since scanning, sniffing and
-- social engeneering attacks (metasploit & veil needs to be manually installed)
-- Additional tool settings can be configurated just by editing the 'toolkit_config'
-- file befor running the tool settings like: config paths to frameworks installed,
-- and some internal toolkit settings.
-- [DOWNLOAD - INSTALL] [STABLE VERSION] -> open terminal and write:
-- wget
-- tar -xvf opensource.tar.gz && cd opensource
-- chmod +x && ./
-- [DOWNLOAD - INSTALL] [GIT VERSION] -> open terminal and write:
-- git clone git:// opensource
-- cd opensource && chmod +x && ./

Copyright © 2015 - netool toolkit