
Netdude / News: Recent posts

Netdude 0.5.1 and libnetdude 0.12 released.

Netdude 0.5.1 and libnetdude 0.12 have been released, with fixes for 64-bit architectures and a number of additional small improvements.

Posted by Christian Kreibich 2010-03-16

Netdude 0.5 and libnetdude 0.11 released.

The Netdude 0.5 release adds support for VLAN-tagged packets, pressing ctrl-c in the raw hex/ascii editor now copies the shown data to be copied into the clipboard, plus some minor fixes.

libnetdude 0.11 likewise adds support for VLAN-tagged packets and a small number of bugs in the handling of unused space in packets.


Posted by Christian Kreibich 2008-09-01

Bugfix releases Netdude 0.4.8a and libnetdude 0.10a are out.

These fix bugs I introduced with the last releases:
- New memory for packets that have their caplen increases is now initialized properly
- Typing up memory content in either hex or ASCII mode works properly again.

Posted by Christian Kreibich 2007-06-24

Netdude 0.4.8, libnetdude 0.10, and libpcapnav 0.8 are out.

Netdude 0.4.8, libnetdude 0.10, and libpcapnav 0.8 are out, including a number of new features such as large-file support, editing pcap-level packet timestamps, changing packet wire/capture length, and a number of bugfixes.

Additionally, a number of frequently used libnetdude plugins have been rolled together into the libnetdude Essentials Pack. It includes plugins to multiplex, demultiplex, sort, and count packets and traces with ease. Beefing up your command line packet mangling skills has never been easier!

Posted by Christian Kreibich 2007-06-07

Netdude 0.4.7 and libnetdude 0.9 released.

Dear Netdude users,

I'm pleased to announce new releases for both libnetdude and Netdude. libnetdude 0.9 finally fixes a number of GCC build issues and brings more convenience for handling output dump files in the LND_Dumper abstraction. Also, initial use is made of libmagic to guess the content type of flows. The 0.4.7 release is starting to make use of this and likewise contains build fixes and other minor updates.... read more

Posted by Christian Kreibich 2006-11-16

News bits.

I've received a lot more feedback on Netdude lately than usual, and I'd like to thank you all for the positive comments and suggestions. I'm painfully lacking time to work much on Netdude at the moment, for which I'm sorry. Some of you have submitted patches, thanks a bunch to you all in particular. I intend to make a few releases in the near future, including new libnetdude and Netdude major versions. I'm even hoping to finally find the time to migrate Netdude over to GTK 2 -- fingers crossed.... read more

Posted by Christian Kreibich 2006-06-01