
Nest-o-Patch / Blog: Recent posts

Version 2.1.9

Back to work on the project after a long break, and a first official release after long silence. This is not so rich in features. Noise analysis for determination of Po is now officially released. Besides, a user can define an arbitrary width of dwell time histogram for openings and closures in the Single Channel Kinetics tab, which makes work with these histograms much more convenient, and makes it possible to export histograms from different recordings in a comparable manner.... read more

Posted by Viatcheslav Nesterov 2019-02-09

Noise analysis for determination of Po

Stationary noise analysis to find Po in a recording where events are not resolved, but single channel current amplitude is known, was written.
It is version 2.1.6, found in Snapshots. Currently it is ander testing.

Posted by Viatcheslav Nesterov 2018-08-31

Version 2.1.3

Polynomial fit of I/V plot added in this version; small bug in axis drawing fixed.

Important changes are made under the hood. DMath library previously used for numeric methods was largely modernized and released as LMath library; Nest-o-Patch was adapted for its use.

Posted by Viatcheslav Nesterov 2018-03-06


This is bug fix release. Bug in RealPulse and ReadPMaster libraries which under some rare conditions prevented opening of HEKA files was removed.
The bug was contained, actually, in system BufStream library.

Posted by Viatcheslav Nesterov 2018-02-07

Version 2.1.2 (stable 2.1 release)

As a New Year present to all Nest-o-Patch friends, I am glad to announce that after long period of testing, official stable release of Nest-o-Patch 2.1 (version 2.1.2) was released! There are several bug-fixes and "Set selection numerically" command was added. This release is recommended to all users for everyday use.

Happy New Year!

Posted by Viatcheslav Nesterov 2017-12-26

Version 2.1.1

This is second release candidate for version 2.1.
Corrected bug with Trace drawing, when the trace had a "punctated" view. The bug was introduced in Ver 2.1.0;
improved editing of IV table; added correct diagnostics of "big endian" HEKA files created on Mac PowerPC. They are still not supported (and probably will be never supported, as it is dying format), but at least they are reported to the user.
Mathematically correct dealing with uncertainty 0/0 in Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz equation when Vm=0 added.

Posted by Viatcheslav Nesterov 2017-10-20

Version 2.1 beta is out! I-V plots analysis added.

Finally, analysis of pulse protocols and current-voltage relation is added to Nest-o-Patch!
In addition, you may navigate the trace and I-V plot diagram with mouse wheel or use it for resize.
Besides, loading of long traces is made drastically faster.
Still, this is beta-version; I can't exclude some bugs in it. Please, report them.

Posted by Viatcheslav Nesterov 2017-08-15

New HEKAReader version

Nest-o-patch users have reported new bug in "readPulse.dll" library. Holding potential ans Sweep voltage were incorrectly defined when an amplidier other then EPC9 was used and voltage was defined by "Amplifier" window rather then by PGF file. This error is now corrected, new version of the library (ver. 2.9) may be downloaded at the ReadHEKA site.

Posted by Viatcheslav Nesterov 2017-06-16

Version 2.0.4

This is bug fix release. ReadPMaster.dll now supports "Toggle" voltage increment mode which was introduced in the later versions of PatchMaster. Additionally, Nest-o-Patch will not attempt to execute operations which need section highlight when highlight doest not exist. (In the version 2.0.3 such attempt could lead to unpredictable behaviour).

Posted by Viatcheslav Nesterov 2017-05-18

Version 2.0.3

Nest-o-patch 2.0.3 itself is almost identical to 2.0.2 (but after testing is recommended for everyday use as a stable version).
Important update is in the ReadPulse.dll library. There was a bug, preventing reading of pulse files containing leak trace. Now this bug is fixed.

Posted by Viatcheslav Nesterov 2017-04-07

Versions 2.0.1 and 2.0.2

Two new versions were uploaded couple of days ago, 2.0.1 and 2.0.2.

Ver. 2.0.1 is a stable release recommended for everyday use.

Differences with the version 2.0. Probably, most important difference with ver.2.0 is that unicode file names are completely supported now. Therefore, it is possible to use file names or paths containing non-ASCII charachters. New readpulse.dll and readpmaster.dll are needed. They are included in the istaller. Final form of the user's guide for version 2.0 is included in the distributive.... read more

Posted by Viatcheslav Nesterov 2016-11-18

Nest-o-Patch 2.0. Official release.

Long-awaited Nest-o-Patch 2.0 was yesterday officially released!
This is stable release suitable for everyday use.

Its new features are listed in the download directory.

Maybe most important new feature is the comprehensive user's manual.
Well, its technical editing is not yet complete, so the language in the last chapters may be slightly rough, but contents is there.

Posted by Viatcheslav Nesterov 2016-10-05

Snapshot version 1.7.3

This is extraordinal bug-fix snapshot. Analysis of single-channel kinetics works now correctly.

Posted by Viatcheslav Nesterov 2015-10-23

New snapshot. 1.7

Version 1.7 is the last one in the 1.x family; many enhancements were made compared to the older one 1.2. See the list of most important changes. Actually, this snapshot can be viewed as a prerelease of version 2.0.

Posted by Viatcheslav Nesterov 2015-09-28

Nest-o-Patch 1.2 is there!

I am glad to announce the release of Nest-o-Patch 1.2. This release was aimed mainly on the improved usability of the program. However, some minor additions to functionality were also done.

Complete list of the changes compared to ver. 1.1 may be found in the readme_1_2.txt at the download page.

Posted by Viatcheslav Nesterov 2014-10-09

Version 1.12 is now recommended as a stable version for everyday use.

After a testing period, Nest-o-Patch 1.12 was found to be stable and is recommended for everyday use. Therefore, now it is offered as default download. Enjoy!

Posted by Viatcheslav Nesterov 2014-09-04

New snapshot. Version 1.12

New minor version, containing several improvements of usability and, more important, Gauss and Moving average filters instead of Butterworth and Bessel, was issued.

Below is more complete description of what was done.

Bessel and Butterworth filters were replaced by Gauss and Moving Average. Minimisation of the sum of unweighted squares was added as a test for binomial distribution fitting. In the "Follow baseline" mode, last point can be removed by pressing [Backspace]. A user can now leave this mode pressing [Esc] button. Commands added to set vertical scale scale to the Borders or to the complete data range. Keyboard can now be used for navigation along X axis. New images for scaling buttons are used. Now they look clearly different from the buttons which set borders etc. Buttons to visit official site of the program, to add bug report, to start a topic in the forum and to write to the author were added to aboutbox.

Posted by Viatcheslav Nesterov 2014-08-15

Snapshots. Ver 1.11

I decided to make "intermediate" versions, containing small updates, available in Snapshots folder.
The first one is 1.11, which keeps ini file in a proper local user's AppData directory. Therefore, the program itself may be installed to a normal location under "Program Files".

Posted by Viatcheslav Nesterov 2014-05-28

Nest-o-Patch 1.1 final release

We are glad to announce that after long period of testing and improvements, Nest-o-patch 1.1 final is released!

Complete list of the new features can be found in the readme_1_1.txt at the download page.

(1) Most important, it has a complete support of PatchMaster data files
(2) it allows overlaid view of series or groups.

Posted by Viatcheslav Nesterov 2014-05-17

Nest-o-Patch 1.1 beta 3

Oops! Two nasty errors were found in the version 1.1 beta 2, therefore new, beta 3, version is released. But this one really can be recommended for daily use.

Posted by Viatcheslav Nesterov 2014-04-18

Nest-o-Patch 1.1 beta 2

After long testing, bugfixes and improvements of the functionality of ver. 1.1 b1, NstPatch 1.1 b2 is now released. This version is recommended for daily use; it is well possible that after some period of testing it will become official release of Nest-o-Patch 1.1

Posted by Viatcheslav Nesterov 2014-04-16

Happy new year! Version 1.1 beta 1 with support of Patch-Master released!

I wish all the users Happy New Year!
As a present (both for you and for me), I release the first beta release candidate of Nest-o-Patch ver 1.1, which is able to read files, created by PatchMaster program.

Other changes include a possibility to set time scale relative not only to a file beginning, but also to a group, series or sweep beginning. In the latter case, all sweeps are shown in parallel, pretty much like in Pulse and Patch-Master themselves. ... read more

Posted by Viatcheslav Nesterov 2014-01-06

Reorganising code

System of the subprojects was restructured. Now, "Code" contains only code of Nest-o-Patch itself. HEKAPackages are grouped with ReadPulse and ReadPMaster, since this package is needed essentially only to read HEKA files and is not directly used by Nest-o-Patch. NVUtils were moved to NVComponents, where all my "general purpose" units are now collected.

Posted by Viatcheslav Nesterov 2013-11-17

ReadPMaster: reading of PatchMaster files is written!

Library for reading of HEKA PatchMaster files is written (not yet tested). Both corresponding version of HEKAPackage and the library itself (ReadPMaster) may be found under "Patch-clamp data reader".

Posted by Viatcheslav Nesterov 2013-11-17

Package of source code for Nest-o-Patch 1.02 is available

For the first time, package of source code, including Nest-o-Patch itself, NVComponents, HEKAPkg and NVUtils, as well as ReadPulse, is made available for download as a single archive. So, it contains everything to build a completely working system. Here it is:

Posted by Viatcheslav Nesterov 2013-09-19