
#93 Bad CapsLock grab with certain X servers

Program (402)

From Stephen Carson:

A bug seems to have been introduced in 5.2 with
the Caps Lock key. When I have it on, the letters I
type don't show up or only show up sometimes. If I
just keep my finger on the Shift key instead I can type
in capitals without a problem.
I do not experience this with NEdit 5.1.1.

NEdit 5.2
Solaris 2.6
Sun Sparc Ultra 10K
X server: Chameleon running on Windows NT


This is indeed a problem with the CapsLock stuff added
for 5.2. It happens when a server doesn't have a
particular key mapped, and we try to install an
accelerator for that key. When trying to grab the
CapsLock accelerator, we fail to notice it doesn't have
the key and wind up installing a grab for ALL keys!

The key that I found was causing the problem was
"KP_Enter". The user may work around this (without
updating NEdit) by going into Xofware's keymap utility,
mapping the PC keypad "Enter" key to XK_KP_Enter
(instead of XK_Return), saving it, and then setting the
default keymap to the new file just saved.


  • Scott Tringali

    Scott Tringali - 2001-11-16

    Logged In: YES

    Fix committed.

  • Scott Tringali

    Scott Tringali - 2001-11-16
    • status: open --> open-fixed
  • Scott Tringali

    Scott Tringali - 2002-06-21

    Logged In: YES

    Fixed in 5.3.

  • Scott Tringali

    Scott Tringali - 2002-06-21
    • status: open-fixed --> closed-fixed

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