
#567 Copy/Paste stops working

Program (402)

In a case if the NEdit session is lasting very long (a
week), at some instant the Copy/Paste stops working
completely, both for the keybord shortcuts
(ctrl-C/ctrl-V) and the Edit menu entries. The bug
observed for:

NEdit 5.5
Sep 30, 2004

Built on: Linux, 386, GNU C
Built at: Oct 1 2004, 15:55:40
With Motif: 2.1.30 [@(#)Motif Version 2.1.30]
Running Motif: 2.1 [unknown]
Server: The XFree86 Project, Inc 40300000
Visual: 24-bit TrueColor (ID 0x22, Default)
Locale: en_US.UTF-8


Scientific Linux CERN 2.4.21-37.EL.cernsmp #1 SMP
Tue Oct 4 16:29:11 CEST 2005 i686 GNU/Linux

KDE 3.1.3-6.10 Red Hat


  • Eddy De Greef

    Eddy De Greef - 2006-11-14

    Logged In: YES

    We've made some changes to the clipboard handling in the CVS
    version, which should make the clipboard operations more
    robust. You can try out a CVS snapshot to see whether it
    works any better.

    KDE's klipper has also been the source of many
    clipboard-related problems in the past. Turning off
    "Synchronize contents of the clipboard and the selection" in
    Klipper may help.

  • Thorsten Haude

    Thorsten Haude - 2006-11-20

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    Just for completeness: Do ctrl-insert/shift-insert work?

    Did you had a chance to test the CVS version?

  • Nicholas Spagnoletti

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    I have had the same problem for years, except that cut and paste stops working sometimes after a few minutes, other times after say 30 minutes. I have tried to observe what might be the cause/trigger but have not come up with any answers.

    I'm using Ubuntu 6.10 with gnome desktop - so no klipper. Same build of nedit as above.

    I experience the problem when running nedit on other ubuntu machines over ssh, and when running on other machines. So it's not peculiar to my one system. In fact I'm really surprised there aren't more people complaining of this issue.

  • David Babcock

    David Babcock - 2007-01-19

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    I have noticed that copy/paste stops working after awhile, but the part of it that annoys me the most is rarely can I right-click and get the dialog to copy/paste,.. anymore. Seem to have it if fresh boot and new nedit session, but after that, NO. If I use ctrl C and V it still works, but not with the mouse. It's to the point of thinking of switching to another editor. But I do like nedit so would like to see how to fix it.

    Gentoo AMD64
    Nedit version: 5.5

  • Eddy De Greef

    Eddy De Greef - 2007-01-19

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    The background menu doesn't work when you have your NumLock, CapsLock, and/or ScrollLock on. That's a silly Motif limitation/bug that we don't have a workaround for.

  • David Babcock

    David Babcock - 2007-01-19

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    That is good new and then it isn't. I almost always have my numlock on and never noticed that bug.
    But happens just like you describe. Seemed to me that it just started recently near the end of last
    year, when kde stopped setting my numlock do matter what kdmrc said. Well at least I know a work
    around. Thanks.

  • Nicholas Spagnoletti

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    Since upgrading to Ubuntu Feisty, this problem has disappeared, and I'm delighted.
    Slowly recovering from years of neurotic habitual restarting of NEedit!

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    Boourns, this crap doesn't work.

  • freezergirl

    freezergirl - 2007-06-20

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    Came across this error for the first time today, REALLY grateful for finding it on your forum. CTRL-Insert/SHIFT-Insert DID **NOT** fix the problem.

  • freezergirl

    freezergirl - 2007-06-20

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    Regarding numlock: didn't seem to make any difference for me. I turned it on and off back and forth and it did NOT solve the copy/paste problem. I'm using ssh -X on FreeBSD.

  • freezergirl

    freezergirl - 2007-06-20

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    Regarding numlock: didn't seem to make any difference for me. I turned it on and off back and forth and it did NOT solve the copy/paste problem. I'm using ssh -X on FreeBSD.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    I have not been able to paste from a windows editor (like notepad) into nedit, I can copy
    FROM Nedit and paste into other places, but not the other way around.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    I'm facing the same problem on debian Linux.
    After many tests, I concluded that copy/paste disappeared after paste by drag and drop between two different nedit panes.
    I have to logoff and logon to make it work again

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I'm having the same cut/paste issue with the following linux build. I don't have anything diagnostic information to add other than it effects this flavor of linux too.

    Built on: Linux, x86-64, GNU C
    Built at: Sep 20, 2004 05:43:18
    With Motif: 2.2.3 [@(#)Motif Version 2.2.3]
    Running Motif: 2.2 [unknown]
    Server: The X.Org Foundation 70`0`000
    Visual: 32-bit TrueColor (ID 0x3d)
    Locale: en_US

  • Gabriel Schulhof

    Well, it's 2010 and the problem is still around. I also have no idea what is causing it, but quitting all nedit processes seems to fix it, only for it to break a few minutes later. I'm also on the verge of switching browser. Only in my case, it's stranger still: I have the same distribution (Fedora 12) both at work and at home, however, at work it seems to break whereas at home it doesn't.

    At work I have a dual screen setup with separate desktops (:0.0 and :0.1), whereas at home I have only a single screen.

    I run it with XLIB_SKIP_ARGB_VISUALS=1 to avoid redraw problems.

    My NEdit version info is below:

    NEdit 5.5
    Sep 30, 2004

    Built on: Linux, Pentium Pro, GNU C
    Built at: Jul 27 2009, 00:40:51
    With Motif: 2.1.0 [@(#)GNU/LessTif Version 2.1 Release 0.95.0] (UNTESTED)
    Running Motif: 2.1 [unknown]
    Server: Fedora Project 10706000
    Visual: 24-bit TrueColor (ID 0x21, Default)
    Locale: en_CA

  • Gabriel Schulhof

    Well, it's 2010 and this bug is still around. Strangely, I have 2 computers that
    both have the same setup (Fedora 12), and it only seems to happen on one of
    them. At work, I have a dual screen setup with separate desktops (:0.0 and :0.1)
    whereas at home I have only one screen. This happens to me at work but not at

    I've tried the NumLock workaround, but it didn't help. Ctrl/Shift+Insert doesn't
    work for me at all. Please tell me a better workaround or a fix has been
    discovered in the meantime.

    I'm using XLIB_SKIP_ARGB_VISUALS=1 to avoid the redraw problems, even though I'm
    not using compiz for my window manager. My window manager is metacity. My
    desktop is GNOME.

    Here's some of the info from Help->Version:

    NEdit 5.5
    Sep 30, 2004

    Built on: Linux, Pentium Pro, GNU C
    Built at: Jul 27 2009, 00:40:51
    With Motif: 2.1.0 [@(#)GNU/LessTif Version 2.1 Release 0.95.0] (UNTESTED)
    Running Motif: 2.1 [unknown]
    Server: Fedora Project 10706000
    Visual: 24-bit TrueColor (ID 0x1aa, Default)
    Locale: en_CA

  • Gabriel Schulhof

    Oh, so comments get added to the top. Oops :) Sorry for the dupe.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-11-23

    I have the same problem on CentOS 5. It's extremely annoying since I work with a dozen or more desktops, all of which have nedit sessions in them. Only way I can get copy/paste working is to kill all the nedit instances. I have developed a script that makes a list of all the nedit processes and reopens them, but it doesn't put them in the proper desktop. I wish there was a good replacement for nedit, it doesn't look like this irritating bug will ever be fixed.


    Last edit: Anonymous 2017-06-22
  • Tony Shum

    Tony Shum - 2016-05-11

    I have searched through the web but found no solution. I have discovered a solution that you don't even need to close all nedit windows or reboot your machine.


    In your linux terminal window, type the following command

    ps -elf | grep "nedit -server"

    You will see something like this.

    john 12920 1 2-07:56:12 0:11 0.0 nedit -server
    john 14042 1 8-02:49:34 1:37 0.1 nedit -server
    john 25861 1 35-00:37:27 11:01 0.1 nedit -server
    john 30741 1 112-03:42:19 21:13 0.1 nedit -server

    Terminate those extra nedit server pids and keep the oldest pid.

    NOTE: do NOT terminate the oldest pid.

    kill 12920 14042 25861

    Nedit copy and paste will start working again. :-)


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