
dslibris / News: Recent posts

Developer tools updated

DevkitPro r42 is now expected.
See the top-level README for specific version numbers.

Posted by Ray Haleblian 2014-08-18

1.2.150 "brie" released

fixes touchscreen problems when in library.

Posted by Ray Haleblian 2008-05-11

1.2.143 "ardrahan" released

As always, see the release notes available in the Download section to see what changed. Key changes are proper restoration of brightness and invert settings, stylus support for library and page turning, and a rights-compliant default font.

Redistributable fonts for various languages are being packaged as a separate 'dslibris-fonts' package available in the Download section.

Posted by Ray Haleblian 2008-05-03

1.0.3 released

Up to 32 books can be accessed.

All files are expeced to be on the media's root. Unfortunately any other arrangement is not reliable.

Posted by Ray Haleblian 2008-01-16

1.0.2 released - file locations moved back!

Putting files in subfolders caused too much trouble for some people, so now all files including the font and the books go in the same folder as dslibris.nds.

Posted by Ray Haleblian 2007-12-27

1.0.1 released - file locations changed!

See the release notes; files now go into subfolders.

Posted by Ray Haleblian 2007-11-17

1.0 Released

The Y key cycles through brightness levels. This is nice if you're in a dark environment and getting blasted by the white pages.

Posted by Ray Haleblian 2007-11-01

0.3.1 Released

This version fixes cases where screen text had an extra line on top and a missing line of bottom.

Posted by Ray Haleblian 2007-10-24

dslibris 0.3.0

See the release notes for details.

Posted by Ray Haleblian 2007-10-12

dslibris 0.2.5 release

support for font size. see release notes.

Posted by Ray Haleblian 2007-10-06