
no Italics or Bold

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I used to convert my books to xhtml.  when I open them in firefox they turn out fine.  the text is formatted as they are in the original file.  when I open the xhtml file on my ds, all the bold or italic text format is gone so the entire file is just regular format.  do I have to go into the source code and add the bold and italic tags?

  • Ray Haleblian

    Ray Haleblian - 2010-02-13

    Hi, post the file in the Support Requests section, there are many people who can take a look.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

      That's why I don't use any software to convert to XHTML, first I tried with Tidy, but i just couldn't use it, i don't know how to use msdos,then I tried OpenOfiice, is good, but the file is so heavy, and sometimes missed some text, i didn't why it happens,
      When DsLibris Start to use Epub I tried with Calibre, Is good But doesnt preserv Bold and Italics.
      Finally I found a xhtml Tutorial, and i knew it  was what i was looking for.
      You only need a word processor (like Word from MS office) and learn some tags (<b></b> to bold, <i></i> to italics, <p></p> to paragraphs), and you could format any ebook, and use all the things that Dslibris can give you.
      For Example you'll have Italics and bold, and configure how many lines you want betwen paragraphs, aun put a space at the bigining of the paragraph (in spanish we say "sangria" i dont know how to  say it in english).
      It is difficult? Well, the first eBook i did this way, took me about Two Hours, Becouse i didnt know how to use tags and i had lots of errors, But when You learn how to Use "Find and replace" of Word (Yes, from MSoffice) youll can make your ebboks in XHTML in about five minutes.
       Good luck, im sure you can do it.
       Sorry I dont speak english very well, I hope you can understand me.

      Atte. Carlos_A