
NDoc help - pls, its urgent

  • Poli Timisoara

    Poli Timisoara - 2006-07-05

    I have created an empty project in VC# and I have used NDoc to generate MSDN documentation. It works for class Form1.cs and method Dispose. But when I add a new method in Form1.cs or a new class and I generate the mSDN help again, the new methods aren't in the documentation, only in xml file. What am I doing wrong? Please help me, it's quite urgent. Thanks. I am very very new in NDoc.

    • Bryan

      Bryan - 2006-07-06

      Are the new methods public or protected?

    • Poli Timisoara

      Poli Timisoara - 2006-07-06

      Some of the new methods are public and some are protected. As I know public methods can not be seen in chm. I was told to set in project properties incremental to true. After this, I have seen some new classes in chm file but when I have added some more classes and recompiled, again they do not appear. Do you know what could be the problem? Thanks. Serban

    • Poli Timisoara

      Poli Timisoara - 2006-07-06

      I forgot to say that I always use the <summary> tag and <param> tag for parameters.

    • Poli Timisoara

      Poli Timisoara - 2006-07-07


      I am a begginer in NDoc. I created a project in C#, .NET 1.1 and I want to document it using NDoc. If I add new methods (private) in a class, and I build using NDoc I can not see them in the generated chm file. The only way I can see the changes I have done is if I restart the computer. Then it is ok. What happens for NDoc or for the .exe file from C# when I restart the computer so it then works? Thank you very much.


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