
How to debug the modem.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2004-05-13

    I have installed NCID. The big variable I find is:

    How to ensure the modem is configured right.

    The first advice I have is: if you have a US Robotics modem, don't upgrade the software. The software upgrade process for my 56K Sportster exposed a previously unimportant flaw in my modem. The flash memory is hosed.

    So I borrowed a US Robotics Courier V everything modem from a friend.

    To verify the modem is detecting Caller-Id messages,
    I start minicom (this is a Red Hat Linux system) and watch the modem.

    The Courier V.Everything uses

    When one calls the Caller-id enabled telphone with the modem attached, you can see the caller ID data being picked up.

    Now the next stage is to get ncidd to recognize the modem.

    Initial runs of ncidd showed multiple copies of the text "xterm" cluttering up the configuration strings being sent to the modem.

    I tried to clear the data strings by initializing each value in ncdd.config with a blank first, like this

    set initstring = ""
    set initstring = "AT#CID=1"

    This duplicate invocation helps.

    But I am now stuck, ncidd continually says "modem not found"

    stty =F /dev/ttyS0 shows 38400 baud, same as the minicom program used to reach the modem.

    So, what is another simple way to get the modem to ncidd software link debugged?

    • John L. Chmielewski

      When I am debugging the modem interface, I start ncidd in debug and verbose mode, this leaves it attached to the terminal and it shows what is sent and what the response is: ncidd -Dv

      You should not need to blank out the data strings first when you configure them.

      If you are using minicom to monitor the modem when you start ncidd, I would expect it to fail as it should notice the lock file minicom set up. Sometimes minicom leaves a lock file around and ncidd will not connect to the modem while it is there. However, running minicom again usually get it to remove the lock file when you exit.

  • Todd Andrews

    Todd Andrews - 2015-06-16

    Moved contents of this post to the wiki: Steps to install and configure minicom on a Raspberry Pi


    Last edit: Todd Andrews 2015-10-30

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