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VarImage 2.4.0 Released

I lost internet access this Summer and spent some of the time polishing VarImage --- version 2.4.0 is the beautiful result! Referrer blocking finally works correctly, the obnoxious bits of the Plugin API have been fixed, and lots of rough-spots removed. VarImage is now a fairly decent product, even if I do say so myself. ;-)

I started out trying to get it ready to do vector-graphics, but I've decided to make this a goal for 2.5, as it requires adding much more support internally for recognizing and storing non-image data, as well as specifying and navigating the constraints provided by the capabilities of different plugin libraries.

Posted by Terry Hancock 2004-10-26

VarImage 2.3.2 Released

This patch-level release of VarImage adds the new cache optimizations by Eric Pollmann. In addition to fixing bugs which were causing unnecessary regenerations, the patch adds smarter optimization which attempts to recover partial operator chains from the cache to further avoid repeated effort. read more

Posted by Terry Hancock 2004-06-20


We have now completed the move from the old "spacelift" site, and have included the 2003 re-write, which involved a lot of changes to the code's source tree. This implements most of the changes presented in my Narya 2003: Progress Report at ISDC 2003 in San Jose.

Although the reorganization is essentially complete, the code is not yet completely functional, and you will not find it usable at this point (which is why there's no release file yet). But I expect to get to that point very soon, and I wanted to publish my working copy to CVS so that you can get a sneak preview of the redesigned code.... read more

Posted by Terry Hancock 2004-01-14