
NAnt - A .NET Build Tool / News: Recent posts

Announcing NAnt/NAntContrib 0.92 RC1

We are proud to announce the final release of NAnt/NAntContrib 0.92 Release Candidate 1.

This release focuses on fixing issues on both projects while introducing new features that we feel add greater flexibility and performance. Details of these changes may be found in the release notes of each project's homepage.

Binary and source distributions are available for immediate download from:
NAnt: read more

Posted by Ryan Boggs 2012-05-24

Announcing NAnt/NAntContrib 0.92 Beta1

We are proud to announce the release of NAnt/NAntContrib 0.92 Beta1.

Both NAnt and NAntContrib source code is now housed on NAnt's home page for both NAnt and NAntContrib can be found at While current and future development will occur at, the existing project pages will continue to host all of the release and nightly builds.

This release focuses on fixing issues on both projects while introducing new features that we feel add greater flexibility and performance. Details of these changes may be found in the release notes of each project's homepage.... read more

Posted by Ryan Boggs 2012-05-07

Announcing NAnt/NAntContrib 0.92 Alpha1

We are proud to announce the final release of NAnt/NAntContrib 0.92 Alpha1.

This marks the first release since the NAnt project relocated its repos to NAnt's home page for both NAnt and NAntContrib can be found at While current and future development will occur at, the existing project pages will continue to host all of the release and nightly builds.... read more

Posted by Ryan Boggs 2012-04-23

Announcing NAnt/NAntContrib 0.91 Final

Sorry for the year long wait….

We are proud to announce the final release of NAnt/NAntContrib 0.91.

This release focuses on extending our already strong support for multiple target frameworks (including .NET 4.0, Mono 4.0, Silverlight, etc), bringing improved flexibility and performance. A number of outstanding issues have been fixed as well.

A roadmap has been created to help illustrate the current release plan. Please note that this roadmap is a work in progress and is subject to change depending on feature priorities, issues, and developer's comfort level with the release: read more

Posted by Ryan Boggs 2011-10-23

Announcing NAnt 0.91 Beta1

We are proud to announce the first beta release of NAnt 0.91.

Many thanks to those who were involved with the development of NAnt
this past year. Especially to Martin Aliger and Dominik Guder without
whom this release would not have been possible without.

The primary goal for this release is to continue to improve support
for .NET 4.0. Please give this release a test and report any NAnt
core specific bugs back along with examples as soon as you can.... read more

Posted by Ryan Boggs 2011-09-28

Announcing NAnt 0.91 Alpha2

We are proud to announce the second alpha release of NAnt 0.91.

The primary goal for this release is to continue to improve support for .NET 4.0. Please give this release a test and report any NAnt core specific bugs back along with examples as soon as you can.

This release focuses on extending our already strong support for multiple target frameworks, bringing improved flexibility and performance. Some show stopping issues have been resolved as well.... read more

Posted by Ryan Boggs 2010-08-18

Announcing NAnt 0.91 Alpha1

Announcing NAnt 0.91 Alpha1
We are proud to announce the first alpha release of NAnt 0.91, the first official release with .NET 4.0 support.

The primary goal for this release is to improve support for .NET 4.0. Please give this release a test and report any NAnt core specific bugs back along with examples as soon as you can.

This release focuses on extending our already strong support for multiple target frameworks, bringing improved flexibility and performance. A number of outstanding issues have been fixed as well.... read more

Posted by Ryan Boggs 2010-05-30

Announcing NAnt 0.90

We are proud to announce the final release of NAnt 0.90, the first final release of NAnt in a VERY long time.

This release focuses on extending our already strong support for multiple target frameworks, bringing improved flexibility and performance. A number of outstanding issues have been fixed as well.

A roadmap has been created to help illustrate the current release plan. Please note that this roadmap is a work in progress and is subject to change depending on feature priorities, issues, and developer's comfort level with the release: read more

Posted by Ryan Boggs 2010-05-08

Announcing NAnt 0.90 Release Candidate 1

Announcing NAnt 0.90-rc1

The first release candidate of NAnt 0.90 has been released. Please continue to test and report bugs so we can make the final release of 0.90 the best it can be.

A roadmap has been created to help illustrate the current release plan. Please note that this roadmap is a work in progress and is subject to change depending on feature priorities, issues, and developer's comfort level with the release: read more

Posted by Ryan Boggs 2010-05-03

NAnt 0.90 Beta 1 available

Announcing NAnt 0.90-beta1

The first beta of NAnt 0.90 has been released. Please continue to test and report bugs so we can make the final release of 0.90 the best it can be.

A roadmap has been created to help illustrate the current release plan. Please note that this roadmap is a work in progress and is subject to change depending on feature priorities, issues, and developer's comfort level with the release: read more

Posted by Gert Driesen 2010-04-18

NAnt 0.90 Alpha 1 available

After months of hard work by volunteer's and continuing guidance from
Gert Driesen, we finally have the first official release of NAnt in
over 2 years.

A roadmap has been created to help illustrate the current release
plan. Please note that this roadmap is a work in progress and is
subject to change depending on feature priorities, issues, and
developer's comfort level with the release: read more

Posted by Gert Driesen 2010-04-01

NAnt 0.86 Beta 1 available

The first beta for NAnt 0.86 is available NOW !

This release focuses on extending our already strong support for multiple
target frameworks, bringing improved flexibility and performance.

As of this release, our framework support chart looks like this:

Framework Target Runtime
.NET Framework 1.0 * *
.NET Framework 1.1 * *
.NET Framework 2.0 * *
.NET Framework 3.5 * *
.NET Compact Framework 1.0 *
.NET Compact Framework 2.0 *
Mono 1.0 Profile * *
Mono 2.0 Profile * *
Mono 3.5 Profile * *
Moonlight 2.0 *
Shared Source CLI 1.0 *
Silverlight 2.0 * ... read more

Posted by Gert Driesen 2007-12-08

NAnt 0.85 available

Announcing NAnt 0.85.

Binary and source distributions are available for immediate download from:

About NAnt:
NAnt is a free .NET build tool, allowing applications to be built targeting both Microsoft .NET and Mono while supporting both Windows and Linux platforms.

Release notes and a user manual are available here: ... read more

Posted by Gert Driesen 2006-10-15

NAnt 0.85 Release Candidate 4 available

Announcing NAnt 0.85 Release Candidate 4.

Binary and source distributions are available for immediate download from:

About NAnt: NAnt is a free .NET build tool, allowing applications to be built targeting both Microsoft .NET and Mono while supporting both Windows and Linux platforms.

Release notes and a user manual are available here: read more

Posted by Gert Driesen 2006-06-02

NAnt 0.85 Release Candidate 3 available

Announcing NAnt 0.85 Release Candidate 3.

Binary and source distributions are available for immediate download from:

About NAnt: NAnt is a free .NET build tool, allowing applications to be built targeting both Microsoft .NET and Mono while supporting both win32 and linux.

Release notes containing the changes since NAnt 0.85 Release Candidate 1, a user manual and SDK documentation are available here: ... read more

Posted by Gert Driesen 2005-04-16

NAnt 0.85 Release Candidate 2 available

Announcing NAnt 0.85 Release Candidate 2.

Binary and source distributions are available for immediate download from:

About NAnt: NAnt is a free .NET build tool, allowing applications to be built targeting both Microsoft .NET and Mono while supporting both win32 and linux.

Release notes containing the changes since NAnt 0.85 Release Candidate 1, a user manual and SDK documentation are available here:... read more

Posted by Gert Driesen 2005-02-12

NAnt 0.85 Release Candidate 1 available

NAnt is a free .NET build tool, allowing applications to be built targeting both Microsoft .NET and Mono while supporting both win32 and linux.

Announcing NAnt 0.85 Release Candidate 1.

Binary and source distributions are available for immediate download from:

About NAnt:
NAnt is a free .NET build tool, allowing applications to be built targeting both Microsoft .NET and Mono while supporting both win32 and linux.... read more

Posted by Gert Driesen 2004-11-30

NAnt 0.84 available

The final release of NAnt 0.84 is now available for download at

For a list of changes, see

Posted by Gert Driesen 2003-12-26

NAnt 0.84 Release Candidate 2 available

NAnt 0.84 Release Candidate 2 is now available for download at

For a list of changes, see

Posted by Gert Driesen 2003-12-21

NAnt 0.84 Release Candidate 1 available

NAnt 0.84 Release Candidate 1 is now available for download at

For a list of changes since the 0.8.3 release, see

Posted by Gert Driesen 2003-12-06

NAnt 0.8.3 final released.

the 0.8.3 release is now available for download at

changes since RC3:
included NAntContrib binaries are from a release build. in rc3 they were debug versions.

Posted by Ian MacLean 2003-09-07

Nant 0.8.3-RC2 released

RC2 of the 0.8.3 release is now available for download at

Text version of changes since RC1:
* Built with .NET 1.0
This release candidate is built with version 1.0 of the .NET Framework. The
binaries for RC1 had been built with version 1.1, which had backwards
compatibility issues.

Thanks to John Barstow for managing this release.

Posted by Ian MacLean 2003-07-30

NAnt 0.8.2 Release Update

The NAnt 0.8.2 Release has been updated to remove a duplicate file.

Posted by Scott Hernandez 2003-05-05

NAnt 0.8.2 Release Candidate is now available

This RC fixes many bugs from previous releases as well as adding the following features:
* FxCop cleanups for correctness.
* Support for multiple versions of .NET framework.
* Changes to make NAnt more mono-friendly.
* Updated SharpZipLib library.
* Makes error reporting more accurate - gives line numbers for property expansion errors
* Multiple test assembly support for NUnit2 task.
* General speed-up for directory/file scanning.
* Resgen file generation correctness fixes.
* Added support multiple delimiters and string trimming to LoopTask's file line mode.
* More support for CSC/VBC command-line options.... read more

Posted by Scott Hernandez 2003-04-12

NAnt 0.8.1 Released

Give it a try!

Posted by Scott Hernandez 2003-02-22