
NachoCalendar / News: Recent posts

Version 0.23 released

A new version has been released. This version adds "customizers" support and user provided fixes/enhancements. I'm going to add a new page to the project web, showing wich projects are using the components. If you like your project being mentioned please drop me an email with a brief description and an hiperlink.

Posted by Ignacio Merani 2005-12-30

Version 0.21 released

This version adds JTable support and some bug fixes

Posted by Ignacio Merani 2005-01-02

Version 0.20 released

This version has major enhancements:
- Keyboard navigation support
- Multiple selection
- Anti aliasing

and more...

Posted by Ignacio Merani 2004-12-26

Version 0.13 released

Minor bug fixes, mostly user reported bugs. I've to apologize because I'm lacking time to spend in this project. Currently I'm changing my job, so I'm going through lots of changes. I expect to have more time in January. I'm working in new features like multiple date selection and some internal clean-up. I hope you'll understand

Posted by Ignacio Merani 2004-12-12

Version 0.12 released

This is mainly a bugfix release with minor enhancements. I'm working in some new features, which will come in the next release (I hope)

Posted by Ignacio Merani 2004-10-23

New mailing list available

I've created a new mailing list (announce) to post new releases news

Posted by Ignacio Merani 2004-10-18

Version 0.11 released

The 0.11 version has been released. This version has some improvements and bug fixes. See changelog

Posted by Ignacio Merani 2004-09-04