
Data Files

  • Hervé

    Hervé - 2015-05-18

    In MyTourBook I wish to modify informations about my MTB rides : distance, total ascension, because my GPS disconnects in the woods and some data are wrong.
    What are the files who contains these informations. And is it possible to open these files for modify it. Thank you for your help.
    Best regards.

  • Wolfgang ch

    Wolfgang ch - 2015-05-18

    All tours and their data are saved in a sql database, with a sql client you can modify any data. How to setup the sql client is described here

    • Hervé

      Hervé - 2015-05-19

      Thank for your answer.
      I've configured SQL Explorer. It's OK. I see all data about one of my tours (I see also the others) in USER, USER.TOURDATA, SERIEDATA (preview). But I don't know how I can modify data (TOURDISTANCE, TOURALTUP). Can you explain to me how to do ?
      Thank You.

    • Tommes

      Tommes - 2018-05-04


      I tried to setup the SQL-Explorer. But the folder "org.apache.derby.core_10.5.1.1" in "C:\Program Files\MyTourbook\plugins\" is missing.
      What can I do?


      • Wolfgang ch

        Wolfgang ch - 2018-05-05
        • Tommes

          Tommes - 2018-05-05

          Ok, danke erstmal.
          Leider kommt beim Verbindungsversuch die Fehlermeldung: "Connection refused: connect"
          Woran kann das liegen?
          Muss ich einen bestimmten User-Namen angeben?
          Oder ist hier was faul: "jdbc:derby://localhost:1527/tourbook;create=true;"

          Danke für deine Hilfe.

          • Wolfgang ch

            Wolfgang ch - 2018-05-06

            user und pw dürfen nicht leer sein, eingeben kann man alles da es nicht kontrolliert wird

  • Wolfgang ch

    Wolfgang ch - 2015-05-19

    Here is a description how to modify the altitude up/down values but be carefull with the sql statements because you can corrupt your tours when you do a wrong sql statement. Make an update before doing these modifications.

    This "feature" is not supported by the application, as you can see in image 3, there is an update issue.

    • When you update a tour then you need the tour ID which you get from the editor, see image 1.

    • Image 2 shows the steps to update tour values

    • Image 3 shows the result in the app and the problems.

    To modify other fields in the tour you can see the fields in the source code and for some fields you need to know how they are related to each other

    When you save a modified tour in the app, then it is possible that some fields which you have modified with sql statements are overwritten because they are computed from the time slices, e.g. altitude up/down.

    Saving a tour is also done in the background when you add/modify a tour marker or you do other actions.

    This procedure is not the recommendet way to adjust tour values, currently there are no plans to support it because this makes the app more complicated as it is now.

    • Hervé

      Hervé - 2015-05-20

      I've followed your instructions (very clear) ! It's allright.
      My data (tourdistance and touraltup) are changed.
      SQL is new for me but with a good teacher, it's easier ;-)
      Thank you so much for your help.

  • Hervé

    Hervé - 2017-11-02

    I want to edit a ride from My TourBook with SQL Explorer, but I've an error message about the connection to database (with localhost). Can you help me ? Thank you.

  • Wolfgang ch

    Wolfgang ch - 2017-11-02

    Have you enabled the SQL network server as described in

    By default, the embedded SQL server is used which cannot be connected with a network client

  • Hervé

    Hervé - 2017-11-02

    Of course. I follow all the instructions. Before, I could modify easily the data base. But when I find derbyclient.jar file in the directory : C:\Program Files\MyTourbook\plugins\org.apache.derby.core_10.5.1.1\derbyclient.jar, I don't see this path.
    this file is here : C:\Users\Hervé.eclipse\1027998707\configuration\org.eclipse.osgi\bundles\37\1.cp
    Is it normal ? Can I copy derbyclient.jar file in the directory c:\programmes\My Tourbook\plugins ?
    Is the path very important for sql explorer ?
    Thank you.

    • Wolfgang ch

      Wolfgang ch - 2017-11-02

      Is the path very important for sql explorer ?


  • Wolfgang ch

    Wolfgang ch - 2017-11-02

    I don't see this path.

    Since I changed the Eclipse Installer to p2, derbyclient.jar is not extracted any more into the file system.

    You can use derbyclient.jar from your C:\Users\Hervé.eclipse\1027998707\configuration\org.eclipse.osgi\bundles\37\1.cp (but this path can change with a new version of MT because this is a cache location of Eclipse)

    or extract derbyclient.jar from the derby plugin C:\Program Files\MyTourbook\plugins\org.apache.derby_10.11.1.1_mt_15_3_0.jar

    I just tested the sql explorer and it still works as described in but I need to adjust this docu to point to the correct derbyclient.jar

  • Hervé

    Hervé - 2017-11-02

    Thank you for your answers !!
    I've put derbyclient.jar file directly in the directory of MyTourbook in my profil. All it's OK.
    Just another question (sorry !!! ) :
    I want to change the 3 fields (see my pix) but only the first is changed. Who are the goods fields in the database ? I've find tourrecordingtime and tourdrivingtime but just one change the value (the first on my pix), impossible to change the 2 others ! Have you a method to change its ?
    After, I shall prepare a tuto with the different fields in the ride details in my tourbook.
    nb : I've lost my last ride on my garmin edge and I rebuilt this ride in my tourbook. I've find the principal informations but not all !!
    Ihope to be clear !

  • Wolfgang ch

    Wolfgang ch - 2017-11-02

    Tourdriving time is computed by finding first the paused time.

    It may help that when you have adjusted the tour recording time with SQL, then open the tour in MT with the editor and save it.

    When you have lost a tour then you can create a manual created tour with MT, then you can set all tour values except the data series which can be imported only from a file.