
MySQL Squid Access Report / News: Recent posts

MySAR 2.1.4 Released!

Version 2.1.4. Changes from 2.1.3:
Previous release was missing some files.

Posted by Ioannis Stoilis 2007-08-17

MySAR 2.1.3 Released!

Version 2.1.3. Changes from 2.1.2:
Fixed a PHP warning reported by Jos. Queiroz <>
Fixed a bug reported ajaykay at, affecting the next-previous links in IPSitesSummaries reports.

Upgrade recommended.

Posted by Ioannis Stoilis 2007-08-17

MySAR 2.1.2 Released!

Version 2.1.2. Changes from 2.1.1:
Added 64 bit support for binary importer

Posted by Ioannis Stoilis 2007-08-16

MySAR 2.1.1 Released!

Fixed sorting related bugs reported by provoostce at

Posted by Ioannis Stoilis 2007-08-09

MySAR 2.1.0 Released!

Installation bugfix and minor version number increase. If you're already using 2.0.13, no need to upgrade.

Posted by Ioannis Stoilis 2007-07-18

MySAR 2.0.13 Released!

* Added latest release of binary importer from

* Added template fix by Shembel Yuriy <>

* Added Russian localisation by Shembel Yuriy <>

* Merged corrections by Paulo Kappke <>

* Added suggestions from Pete Payne <>

* Fixed some php-opening-tags that caused some problems at installation. Reported and fixed by crsd at users.sourceforge.netwq... read more

Posted by Ioannis Stoilis 2007-07-10

MySAR 2.0.12 Released!

- Remove the ability to bypass steps in the install wizard. Because of them many people don't do the installation right.
- Change licence for "GPLv2 and any later version" specifically to "GPLv2"
- Added default sorting options in code to avoid nasty errors when confiug table is incomplete and changed the "Save Default" option to create them as needed
- Added French templates contributed by GRISARD Jean Marc <jmgrisard AT capec D0T fr>
- Updated INSTALL to include instruction about cron
- Corrected a bug where mysar-importer would crash when processing a too long url. Submitted by "Cory A. Jaeger <cjaeger AT castechnologies D0T us>".
- Minor bugfix at a log redirector in a cronjob

Posted by Ioannis Stoilis 2006-08-26

mysar 2.0.10 French translation

Nicolas B was kind enough to not only translate mysar to French but to improve the multi-lingual system as well.

This file can be found in the "Files" section in SF under the "translations" category.

Posted by Ioannis Stoilis 2006-07-07

MySAR 2.0.11 Released!

Changes from 2.0.7:
- Corrected UPGRADE instructions.
- Added a new example config.ini file and added the ability to fail back to this one, if the user didn't bother to create it.
- Fixed installation to give instructions for a working 2.0.X installation.
- Dev: Corrected updateConfig function to create the record, if not exists. Adapted some parts of the code that made the same check.
- Fixed bug 1429018: Corrected importer to remember last file position, so that it can just directly to where it left off.
- Fixed bug 1361802: Lack of "index.php" in the URLs causes some problems
- Dev: Create a new record in config table for options that don't exist in the database, but exist in the interface.
- Added the ability to group daily reports to weekly, monthly and yearly summaries, depending on the available data.
- Fixed error reporting when something went wrong during install
- Fixed a bug where special characters inside a username could cause the importer to fail.
- Fixed bug 1415620: cache percent isn't rounded at the index page
- Disable PHP's execution time limit for the command line scripts
- Fixed bug 1400943: users table is too short
- Added an alternative www-templates(www-templates.pt_BR) for the Portuguese language.

Posted by Ioannis Stoilis 2006-05-16

Binary import for MySAR 1.X Released

David Todd( released a C version of MySAR importer under the GPL Licence. Currently, it only works for the older MySAR 1.x schema and compiles cleanly only under FreeBSD.
This binary importer processed more than 2 million records only under 3 hours on a 1 GHz processor, surpassing by far my scriptable version.
This package can be found MySAR's SourceForge site. Anyone willing to port it to Linux and/or to the newer MySAR schema is more than welcome, since my C knowledge is limited.

Posted by Ioannis Stoilis 2006-02-18

Portuguese translation of MySAR 2.0.X now available!

A portuguese(pt_BR) translation of MySAR's web front-end, contributed by, is now available at the "Files" section. Just replace "www-templates" directory found in MySAR whith the one found in this archive and you're done. Many thanks to cassiano.

Posted by Ioannis Stoilis 2006-01-09

MySAR 2.0.7 Released!

This is MINOR release, addressing installation issues only. Noone already running 2.0.4 succesfully should upgrade.

Changes from 2.0.4: Removed etc/config.ini, etc/mysar.sql, and www/install/install.done, which where accidentally forgotten in the released version, causing havoc to whoever wanted to install MySAR.

Corrections in INSTALL file.

Posted by Ioannis Stoilis 2006-01-08

MySAR 2.0.4 Released!

MySAR 2.0.4 Released!

Posted by Ioannis Stoilis 2005-11-19