
MXFLib - A C++ Library for MXF file I/O / News: Recent posts

MXFLib 1.0.0 Released

This release signals the move of the project from beta to production.

New features include:

* Support for SMPTE 436M VBI wrapping
* Support for Visual Studio .NET under Windows
* Parsing of Type-1 DV AVI files, including ODML extensions
* Improved Label handling
* And much more...

Posted by Matt Beard 2007-04-02

Patch for MSVC 6 Problems

A number of users have reported problems with version 0.6.0-Beta compiled using Microsoft Visual C++ version 6.

These problems are caused by the compiler incorrectly merging some templated functions.

There is a patch file available under the "Patches" section above to fix the bug. Alternatively there is a set of patched source files in the "Files" section.

The fix has also been checked-in to CVS

Posted by Matt Beard 2006-03-03

MXFLib 0.6.0-Beta Released

This release adds the EssenceSink class - a complement to EssenceSource.

Also added is the ability to replace individual MDTraits, or all of them.

MXFSplit is revamped using the EssenceSink class.

Posted by Matt Beard 2006-02-14

MXFLib 0.5.3-Beta Released

This release changes the basic indexing method for MDObject types from a std::string, holding the object name, to a UL. This is becuase this is the way that MXF actually works and so it is a more accurate
representaion. It also allows names to be changed (for example to provide multilingual dictionaries or for compatibility with alternative systems).

Posted by Matt Beard 2005-10-29

MXFLib 0.5.3 RC2

Release Candidate 2 of the latest version (0.5.3) has been added to the files section.

This candidate includes the following changes:

* Added features.h for compile-time or run-time selectable library features
* Dictconvert generates const ULs for all sets, packs and properties
* All library code now uses UL consts rather than object names

Also includes the following from RC1:

* Added constants.h
* Harmonized UInt capitalization
* Add SymbolSpace and allow UL based add/find of objects
* Add esp_template to aid essence parser writing
* Allow non-standard essence keys if required
* Add full clip-wrap indexing
* Add UL2NameFunc
* Programable ParseDark
* Add optional string termination
* Add Track::GetType
* Allow runtime selection between runtime and compiletime dictionaries in mxfdump
* Add basic DM insertion code to mxfwrap... read more

Posted by Matt Beard 2005-10-10

MXFLib 0.5.3 RC1

Release Candidate 1 of the latest version (0.5.3) has been added to the files section.

This candidate includes the following changes:

* Added constants.h
* Harmonized UInt capitalization
* Add SymbolSpace
* Add esp_template to aid essence parser writing
* Allow non-standard essence keys if required
* Add full clip-wrap indexing
* Add UL2NameFunc
* Programable ParseDark
* Add optional string termination
* Add Track::GetType
* Allow runtime selection between runtime and compiletime dictionaries in mxfdump
* Add basic DM insertion code to mxfwrap... read more

Posted by Matt Beard 2005-09-26

MXFLib 0.5.0-Beta Released

Version 0.5.0-Beta includes two major milestones for MXFLib.

The status has now moved from Alpha to Beta.

The high-level essence handling API is now included. This makes it considerably easier to read and write complex MXF files.

As this is a beta release please study the changes carefully before switching from a previous library version - especially if you intend to use the new essence handling.

Please treat this as a beta release - test it, break it and report any errors!

Posted by Matt Beard 2004-11-16

MXFLib Check-in Policy

Please ensure that you read the project documents at before checking in any code.

Check-ins that do not meet these requirements cause extra work for the main developers and changes may even be removed rather than being fixed.

Posted by Matt Beard 2004-10-19

MXFLib version 0.4-Alpha released

MXFLib version 0.4-Alpha has been released.

This version now uses autoconf/automake for improved Unix support. This has caused the directory structure has significantly changed so it is advised to unpack new sources into a fresh directory.

Version 0.4-Alpha does NOT require KLVLib.

A fix has been included to give compatibility with 3.3.x versions of gcc (which has problems with some template functions)

Posted by Matt Beard 2004-05-16

MXFLib no longer requires KLVLib

The much hated dependency on KLVLib has finally been removed. The revised code was checked in to CVS on 28th March 2004. If you need access to the KLVLib dependent code it is CVS tagged as KLVLIB_DEPENDENT. The first KLVLib-less release should be around Easter time.

Posted by Matt Beard 2004-03-29

Fix for gcc 3.3.x bug

There is a known bug in gcc versions 3.3.x that prevent MXFLib from running properly (leads to a core dump!). A "temporary" fix has been check in to the CVS system on 28th March 2004. This fix means that smart pointers can now only point to objects that have a RefCount<> interface. It is hoped that the fudge can be removed at some future stage.

Posted by Matt Beard 2004-03-29

Improved cross-platform support with release 0.3.2-Alpha

MXFLib version 0.3.2-Alpha has been released with imporved cross-platform support.

Platforms tested include:
* Redhat Linux 9
* SuSE Linux 8.2 and 9.0
* FreeBSD 4.9
* MacOS 10.2
* Solaris 8
* MS Windows 2000

Compilers tested include:
* GCC 3.2
* MIPSpro C++ 7.3
* Sun Forte C++ 5.4
* MS Visual C++ 6.0
* Intel C++ 7.0
* Borland C++ 5.0

And of course it is still totally free for commercial and non-commercial use.

Posted by Matt Beard 2003-12-05

Build files for Visual Studio added

As the mxflib code size increases it is becoming more difficult to build. A set of build files have now been added to the subdirectory "build". Currently only Microsoft Visual Studio files are included (although gcc should follow soon).

During the build process all object and library files are kept in the platform's own build directory but a copy of the executables are placed in the main "mxflib" directory.... read more

Posted by Matt Beard 2003-08-10

mxflib now writes MXF files

The first MXF writing application has been added to MXFLib release 0.3. It will convert MPEG2 video elementary steam files to MXF OP1a.

A KAG size can be specified, as can body partitioning at regular intervals of time or byte-count.

Posted by Matt Beard 2003-06-05

mxflib 0.2.2-Alpha non-release

Version 0.2.2 has been checked in to the CVS repository, however it hasn't been added as a proper "release". The reason is that the only changes are to the documentation and a bug-fix for files with a run-in. If you want the update either check it out of CVS or ask me nicely and I will do a real release.

Posted by Matt Beard 2003-05-08

First release of &quot;mxflib&quot;

After a suitably long gestation the first alpha release of the mxflib project has been delivered.

MXF file writing is not yet supported, but reading works and a small application is included that will dump all the metadata from each partition in a file.

If you have any interest in MXF please take a look and send me your suggestions.

Posted by Matt Beard 2003-04-01