Muhammad - 2014-03-25

We are looking for lateral gene transfer between insect and bacterial and for this we are comparing insect and our bacteria genome, I am very new for this software, I have used Nucmer and Promer and generated .coords, .delta, .align and .mapview files. I could not get .align file as my both fasta files have many sequences inside and I could not compare them one by one, I guess there is no other way beside writing each sequence name of both genomes one by one to get result in .align file? Secondly I am using window and I could not install Xfig software, so is there any suggestion in which program I can open mapview.fig file? I did open in winfig sofware(alternate of Xfig for Window but not free) Plus file is not opening right in it. To change .fig format into .pdf format, I need to have .cd and .utr files in addition to ? how can i generate .cds and .utr file? Also is there any useful updated paper in which I can find information, how can i represent results and output files (either in form of table or fig) in my thesis? I am struggling lot with manual and also searching possible informations. I would appreciate any help regarding this.
Best Regards