
#177 Still issues upgrading MSYS2


These days strange things occur:

$ pacman -Syu
:: Sincronizzazione dei database in corso...
 mingw32                  189,8 KiB   440K/s 00:00 [#####################] 100%
 mingw32.sig               96,0   B  0,00B/s 00:00 [#####################] 100%
 mingw64                  190,1 KiB   483K/s 00:00 [#####################] 100%
 mingw64.sig               96,0   B  0,00B/s 00:00 [#####################] 100%
 msys è aggiornato
:: Aggiornamento del sistema in corso...
attenzione: mingw-w64-x86_64-field3d: la versione installata (1.4.3-2) è più recente di quella presente in mingw64 (1.4.3-1)
:: Vuoi sostituire msys2-base con msys/filesystem? [S/n]

Really, should I replace msys2-base with filesystem? what about mingw-w64-x86_64-field3d?

Notice that msys db was not update. Why then I didn't see it in previous update? I am confused...

I think you need an "announcement" mailing list, so that we can read about changes in MSYS2...

Any way, what should I do, now?


Tickets: #177


  • Alexx83

    Alexx83 - 2015-07-26

    Seems you use VERY OLD installation of MSYS2 as we switch to filesystem package instead msys2-base very long time ago. You need replace all packages that pacman tell you. Msys2 is rolling release system, so we update packages very often.

    Regards, Alexey.

    Отправлено с помощью Sparrow (

    воскресенье, 26 июля 2015 г. в 14:38, Angelo Graziosi написал:

    [tickets:#177] ( Still issues upgrading MSYS2
    Status: open
    Milestone: 1.0
    Created: Sun Jul 26, 2015 11:38 AM UTC by Angelo Graziosi
    Last Updated: Sun Jul 26, 2015 11:38 AM UTC
    Owner: nobody
    These days strange things occur:
    $ pacman -Syu :: Sincronizzazione dei database in corso... mingw32 189,8 KiB 440K/s 00:00 [#####################] 100% mingw32.sig 96,0 B 0,00B/s 00:00 [#####################] 100% mingw64 190,1 KiB 483K/s 00:00 [#####################] 100% mingw64.sig 96,0 B 0,00B/s 00:00 [#####################] 100% msys è aggiornato :: Aggiornamento del sistema in corso... attenzione: mingw-w64-x86_64-field3d: la versione installata (1.4.3-2) è più recente di quella presente in mingw64 (1.4.3-1) :: Vuoi sostituire msys2-base con msys/filesystem? [S/n]

    Really, should I replace msys2-base with filesystem? what about mingw-w64-x86_64-field3d?
    Notice that msys db was not update. Why then I didn't see it in previous update? I am confused...
    I think you need an "announcement" mailing list, so that we can read about changes in MSYS2...
    Any way, what should I do, now?
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    Tickets: #177

    • Angelo Graziosi

      Angelo Graziosi - 2015-07-26

      NO, I don't have a too OLD installation.

      I did a full Windows re-installation on March 29, 2015. So MSYS2 came later.

      I remember when filesystem was added to MSYS2 and it was before my Windows re-installations.

      Before that update-core was added to MSYS2, I used a my script (remember? I suggested in a ticket to add a similar script..):

      $ cat
      ## The routine... i.e. the main...
          local PACMAN=`which pacman 2> /dev/null`
          if [ "-${PACMAN}-" != "--" ]; then
              ## First: synchronize the database..
              ${PACMAN} -Sy
              ## ..then, update...
              PACMAN+=" -S --needed"
              local core_pkgs=" filesystem msys2-runtime msys2-runtime-devel bash"
              core_pkgs+=" libreadline libiconv libarchive libgpgme libcurl pacman"
              core_pkgs+=" pacman-mirrors ncurses ncurses-devel libintl"
              ${PACMAN} ${core_pkgs}
              echo "PACMAN command not found..."
      ## Executing the main..

      As you can see, it used filesystem package, and the last time I modified the script was:

      $ ls -lrt ~
      totale 2056
      -rwxr-xr-x 1 angelo None 559 2 apr 09.51

      Beside this, I update very frequently (at least, dayly) MSYS2, so I don't understand as I can have a too old installation...

      I guess, instead that all these issues are born with the recent SF fault and the mirrors change...

  • Yaron Keren

    Yaron Keren - 2015-07-26

    I had used this upgrade script
    which essentially automates

    If the two-stage update is still required with current MSYS2 maybe you'd like to add this script or something similar to MSYS2, maybe with its own "Upgrade MSYS2" icon on the desktop.

    • Alexx83

      Alexx83 - 2015-07-26

      MSYS2 have similar script that called "update-core"


      Отправлено с помощью Sparrow (

      воскресенье, 26 июля 2015 г. в 17:25, Yaron Keren написал:

      I had used this upgrade script
      which essentially automates (
      If the two-stage update is still required with current MSYS2 maybe you'd like to add this script or something similar to MSYS2, maybe with its own "Upgrade MSYS2" icon on the desktop.
      [tickets:#177] ( Still issues upgrading MSYS2
      Status: open
      Milestone: 1.0
      Created: Sun Jul 26, 2015 11:38 AM UTC by Angelo Graziosi
      Last Updated: Sun Jul 26, 2015 11:38 AM UTC
      Owner: nobody
      These days strange things occur:
      $ pacman -Syu :: Sincronizzazione dei database in corso... mingw32 189,8 KiB 440K/s 00:00 [#####################] 100% mingw32.sig 96,0 B 0,00B/s 00:00 [#####################] 100% mingw64 190,1 KiB 483K/s 00:00 [#####################] 100% mingw64.sig 96,0 B 0,00B/s 00:00 [#####################] 100% msys è aggiornato :: Aggiornamento del sistema in corso... attenzione: mingw-w64-x86_64-field3d: la versione installata (1.4.3-2) è più recente di quella presente in mingw64 (1.4.3-1) :: Vuoi sostituire msys2-base con msys/filesystem? [S/n]

      Really, should I replace msys2-base with filesystem? what about mingw-w64-x86_64-field3d?
      Notice that msys db was not update. Why then I didn't see it in previous update? I am confused...
      I think you need an "announcement" mailing list, so that we can read about changes in MSYS2...
      Any way, what should I do, now?
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      Tickets: #177

  • Yaron Keren

    Yaron Keren - 2015-07-26

    Thanks, I did not know about update-core.

    It's worth mentioning this excellent script in the installation instructions which are the first hit when googling for "msys2 installation".

    • Alexx83

      Alexx83 - 2015-07-26

      I'm update wiki. Also improve update-core script looking into your's one. New update-core script is available via pacman package upgrade.


      • Yaron Keren

        Yaron Keren - 2015-07-26


        2015-07-26 22:04 GMT+03:00 Alexx83

        I'm update wiki. Also improve update-core script looking into your's
        one. New update-core script is available via pacman package upgrade.


        Status: open
        Milestone: 1.0
        Created: Sun Jul 26, 2015 11:38 AM UTC by Angelo Graziosi
        Last Updated: Sun Jul 26, 2015 05:52 PM UTC
        Owner: nobody

        These days strange things occur:

        $ pacman -Syu
        :: Sincronizzazione dei database in corso...
        mingw32 189,8 KiB 440K/s 00:00 [#####################] 100%
        mingw32.sig 96,0 B 0,00B/s 00:00 [#####################] 100%
        mingw64 190,1 KiB 483K/s 00:00 [#####################] 100%
        mingw64.sig 96,0 B 0,00B/s 00:00 [#####################] 100%
        msys è aggiornato
        :: Aggiornamento del sistema in corso...
        attenzione: mingw-w64-x86_64-field3d: la versione installata (1.4.3-2) è più recente di quella presente in mingw64 (1.4.3-1)
        :: Vuoi sostituire msys2-base con msys/filesystem? [S/n]

        Really, should I replace msys2-base with filesystem? what about

        Notice that msys db was not update. Why then I didn't see it in previous
        update? I am confused...

        I think you need an "announcement" mailing list, so that we can read about
        changes in MSYS2...

        Any way, what should I do, now?

        Sent from because you indicated interest in

        To unsubscribe from further messages, please visit



        Tickets: #177

  • Angelo Graziosi

    Angelo Graziosi - 2015-07-26

    I insist, something is wrong in current MSYS2!

    I had installed emacs-git and now emacs-git disappeared from MSYS2:

    $ pacman -Ss emacs
    mingw32/mingw-w64-i686-emacs 24.5-3
        The extensible, customizable, self-documenting, real-time display editor
    mingw64/mingw-w64-x86_64-emacs 24.5-3
        The extensible, customizable, self-documenting, real-time display editor
    $ pacman -Ss emacs-git
    $ pacman -Qqe | grep emacs

    Maybe not all (mingw)packages have been rebuilt with GCC-5.2. I wonder if the transintion to GCC5 is another cause of issues..

  • Alexx83

    Alexx83 - 2015-07-26

    We have discussion on IRC and decide to not build git versions of packages if stable is present in repo. Now if you want git package - you need build it yourself.


    • Angelo Graziosi

      Angelo Graziosi - 2015-07-26


      $ pacman -Ss vlc
      A multi-platform MPEG, VCD/DVD, and DivX player
      mingw64/mingw-w64-x86_64-vlc-git [installato]
      A multi-platform MPEG, VCD/DVD, and DivX player

      $ pacman -Ss git | grep -c git

      there are still git packages..

  • Alexx83

    Alexx83 - 2015-07-26

    I told you that we not build git packages for those that HAVE STABLE VERSION IN REPO.
    There are no "vlc" package, only "vlc-git". It will be removed from repo when vlc-3.0 was released.

    • Angelo Graziosi

      Angelo Graziosi - 2015-07-26

      I am afraid to insist, but your statements do not seem always true.

      $ pacman -Qqe | grep cling
      $ pacman -Ss cling

      So, at least 'cling' disappeared completely from MSYS2. Being a package without stable version, as VLC, it had to remain. Right?

      • Alexx83

        Alexx83 - 2015-07-26

        Current mingw packages are builded in clean way for GCC-5.x.
        So if it not builded for GCC-5.x it not present in current mingw repository.

        There are still some packages that still not builded:

        If you have time/wish you can try to fix some of them.

        • Angelo Graziosi

          Angelo Graziosi - 2015-07-26

          Maybe the transition GCC4 built packages ==> GCC5 built packages was taken too soon.. :-)

  • Angelo Graziosi

    Angelo Graziosi - 2015-07-26

    OK, but if you remove those packages WITHOUT an announcement on the MSYS2 main page, this is confusing! Many git package I find installed were installed as dipendencies... ALL THIS is CONFUSING. You silently changed things and then say people has too old installation! Good, very good!

  • Alexx83

    Alexx83 - 2015-07-26

    For those git packages that I move to stable I'm create pacman's entry for "replace" git with stable.
    For example, early I'm build babl-git package. Now I'm build stable "babl" package and add entry in PKGBUILD that tell pacman to replace babl-git with babl. So in most cases all will work ok.

    Yeah there are maybe several issues that we can solve. If you want than I can tell pacman to replace your emacs-git package with stable emacs if you prefer this.

    • Angelo Graziosi

      Angelo Graziosi - 2015-07-26

      No, this would only increase the confusion. It would be better invite people to a clean re-installation given the change in MSYS2, and suggest people to build its own *-git package if they want/need them. Maybe this could be done in the wiki.

      Regarding Emacs, I only use the development version (they are at least seven years I do so..)