
Start in VS 2008 / 2005: Problem htmltidy

John Bovi
  • John Bovi

    John Bovi - 2008-09-04


    I tryed to start the Project in VS 2008 and 2005 but i get a problem with the htmltidy, something like wrong fileformat or not registred Assembly. I can not prot the error massage, because the IDE is a german one...

    the error occurs in Function TidyHTML at line
    tidyEngine = New Tidy

    Do you have a suggestion or do you need more informations?

    kind regards,
    John Bovi

    • Bart Jolling

      Bart Jolling - 2008-09-15

      Could you post the German error message anyway. My German is a bit rusty but it might give me enough information to investigate


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