
Tree [a6d79d] master /

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File Date Author Commit
 HtmlConvertor 2024-06-14 Bart Jolling Bart Jolling [b04bd9] Only support x86 builds due to HtmlTidy dependency
 Installer 2024-06-19 Bart Jolling Bart Jolling [1e16df] Prerequisite .NET 4.8.1
 My Project 2024-06-21 Bart Jolling Bart Jolling [a6d79d] Split designer and custom form code
 hhc 2007-05-08 Bart Jolling Bart Jolling [077026] ActiveX files needed by HHC compiler
 pia 2015-09-15 Bart Jolling Bart Jolling [0500f3] Added the PIA components to the setup disk. Exc...
 .gitattributes 2014-06-15 Conan.Loxley Conan.Loxley [2c8919] Added default gitattributes
 .gitignore 2024-06-12 Bart Jolling Bart Jolling [3908cf] Upgrade to 4.8 and replace Installshield with V...
 AssemblyInfo.vb 2024-06-14 Bart Jolling Bart Jolling [b04bd9] Only support x86 builds due to HtmlTidy dependency
 DirectionalAcyclicGraph.vb 2007-05-05 Bart Jolling Bart Jolling [4d5c98] Alpha
 GPLv3.rtf 2014-06-16 Conan.Loxley Conan.Loxley [008250] Added Setup project v0.5
 MainController.vb 2024-06-12 Bart Jolling Bart Jolling [3908cf] Upgrade to 4.8 and replace Installshield with V...
 MainForm.Designer.vb 2024-06-21 Bart Jolling Bart Jolling [a6d79d] Split designer and custom form code
 MainForm.resx 2024-06-21 Bart Jolling Bart Jolling [a6d79d] Split designer and custom form code
 MainForm.vb 2024-06-21 Bart Jolling Bart Jolling [a6d79d] Split designer and custom form code 2024-06-19 Bart Jolling Bart Jolling [65c4bd] rename to as it fits ...
 WordToCHM.sln 2024-06-14 Bart Jolling Bart Jolling [b04bd9] Only support x86 builds due to HtmlTidy dependency
 WordToCHM.vbproj 2024-06-21 Bart Jolling Bart Jolling [a6d79d] Split designer and custom form code
 app.config 2024-06-12 Bart Jolling Bart Jolling [3908cf] Upgrade to 4.8 and replace Installshield with V...

Read Me

# msword2chm 0.7 Alpha - Release Notes

This release has been tested on MS Word 365 using basic well-formed Word documents.

Previous releases have been tested on MS Word 2002/2003/2007/2010/2013/2016/2019 using basic well-formed Word documents.



Download and install the .NET 4.8.1 Framework from

Visual C++ Runtime

Download and install the Visual C++ 2005 SP1 Redistributable package (x86) from

MICROSOFT WORD 2002/2003/2007/2010/2013/2016/2019

You need to have Microsoft Word installed


Launch msword2chm_setup.msi and follow the instructions of the installation wizard


  • Launch WordToCHM.exe
  • Click Browse to select the source Word document
  • Click Browse to select the location of the CHM target document
  • Click Create CHM to convert the selected source Word document to the CHM format
  • Click Open CHM to open the generated target CHM document

Changes in version 0.7 Alpha

  • Recompiled against .NET framework 4.8.1 using Visual Studio 2022

Changes in version 0.6 Alpha

  • Fix bug: conversion does not preserve whitespace
  • Recompiled against .NET framework 4.0 using Visual Studio 2012

Changes in version 0.5 Alpha

  • Recompiled against .NET framework 4.0 using Visual Studio 2012

Changes in version 0.3 Alpha

  • Added the generation of an index file (.hhk) for the resulting CHM

Changes in version 0.2 Alpha

  • Implemented the Browse buttons
  • Implemented the 'View CHM' button
  • Copy the produced CHM file to the requested output folder
  • Include 3 ActiveX components that are required by the hhc compiler