
MailScanner Front End / News: Recent posts

New developer and new version coming soon

Hi All, We've been working on an updated version and have been running it internally. We're just adding the latest updates for the new version of MailScanner and should be posting it to the svn soon.

The svn is also going to be be used more to store the changes rather than our internal server so expect to see more updates from now on.

Posted by Richard Lush 2009-11-12

SVN updated

We have changed over to SVN now and are updating the repository regularly now.

We're updating ms frontend to support the latest version of MailScanner 4.69.

Posted by Richard Lush 2008-05-15

CVS updated and New version on it's way

Hi All,

Well I know that I've been very laxed with updates to the front end and there are lots of new features in MailScanner which are accessible in the current version. So I've added all the files to the CVS respository and am actively working on a new version.

If there are any developers out there who want to help with the coding, let me know and I'll add you.

Stay tuned for some updated modules over the next couple of weeks.... read more

Posted by Richard Lush 2006-05-19

BETA 1.1-4 Released

I've released an updated version of the module that includes some bug fixes and new optiosn from 4.38.9-1. However, I'm having some problems getting it on to sourceforge but it is available from the Home Page.

Posted by Richard Lush 2005-02-02

BETA 1.1 Available

Hi All,

I've upload a BETA version of the mailscanner module. This version includes everything except the MCP options and updated help files.

I am having to rewrote the way the module works to cope with the extra long URL strings that are being generated and divide up the MCP settings into sections.

Stay tuned for an update fairly soon.


Posted by Richard Lush 2005-01-18

Update due in New Year

Hi All,

Apologies for the lack of updates over the months. I am currently working hundreds of miles away from home, so am getting little chance to work on it. I am, however, home for Christmas so will be working on release an updated version in the new year.

Stay tuned to this channel!


Posted by Richard Lush 2004-12-22

Sorry for the delay in updates

Hi All,

Sorry for the delay in updates. I am working on a new version with lots of new features but I am also in the process of moving house, so things are a bit hectic at the moment.

Please bear with me and I will have a new version out soon......hopefully.


Posted by Richard Lush 2004-07-10

Version 0.9 Released

Please to annouce the release of Version 0.9 of the webmin module.

Posted by Richard Lush 2004-02-17

Version 0.8 Beta released

Sorry for the delays.

the new version is upload and ready to run. It includes all the new options for MailScanner and the ability to edit the % options for the directories names.

Posted by Richard Lush 2003-10-21

Sorry for the delay

Apologies for the delay in getting the next version of MailScanner Webmin Module out. I'm planning on releasing the next version by 29th September so stay tuned.

Posted by Richard Lush 2003-09-19

Version 0.7-2 Released

This version is a simple bug fix for a problem with duplicate lines appearing when options are saved with blank settings

Posted by Richard Lush 2003-08-06

Webmin Module Released

The latest version of the webmin module has been released. Version 0.7-1 Beta is the latest offering which fixes a minor bug not fixed in 0.7 Beta.

Posted by Richard Lush 2003-07-29

New home

The MailScanner frond end has a new home and this is it. I hope to keep this site updated regularly with news etc.

Posted by Richard Lush 2003-07-29