
Text in SVG exported file

  • Rajdeep Ahluwalia


    The exported SVG file represents text as path using tags. Is it possible to retain the text by using tag or any other suitable tag.

    It will be very helpful if this can be included, if it is not possible then please guide on the complexity involved if I attempt to do it myself.


    Best regards,
    Rajdeep Ahluwalia

    • Zoltán Turányi

      Hi Rajdeep,

      I am using cairo ( to generate output. For SVG type, I
      call cairo_show_text(), passing all labels in a single string, not
      char-by-char. (If the string has several lines and/or parts with different
      formatting, I pass each line or uniformly formatted segment separately.)

      I have checked a bit into cairo, and it seems to split the passed character
      string to a series of glyphs right away. I am not sure this is something
      easy to change in cairo - I would say a major re-write (since it seems to
      affect not only the SVG backend).

      Why do you want to retain the text inside the SVG? Perhaps we can achieve
      what you want without retaining the text inside SVG.


      2014-06-04 9:06 GMT+02:00 Rajdeep Ahluwalia


      The exported SVG file represents text as path using tags. Is it possible
      to retain the text by using tag or any other suitable tag.

      It will be very helpful if this can be included, if it is not possible
      then please guide on the complexity involved if I attempt to do it myself.


      Best regards,
      Rajdeep Ahluwalia

      Text in SVG exported file

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  • Rajdeep Ahluwalia

    Hello Zoltan,

    Thanks for the quick response.

    What I am trying to do is convert the call flows made using MSC-Generator into Visio. Now one of the ways that I found was to export call flow as .svg and then open this .svg file in Visio. This works fine except for the text fields, for the text fields each text field is broken in individual alphabets (as you mentioned that these text are broken into glyphs) and then it is difficult to edit this text in Visio.

    Best regards,
    Rajdeep Ahluwalia

    • Zoltán Turányi

      Hm. Sorry, I have no good ways to help.

      Why would you like to convert to visio?


      2014-06-04 11:49 GMT+02:00 Rajdeep Ahluwalia

      Hello Zoltan,

      Thanks for the quick response.

      What I am trying to do is convert the call flows made using MSC-Generator
      into Visio. Now one of the ways that I found was to export call flow as
      .svg and then open this .svg file in Visio. This works fine except for the
      text fields, for the text fields each text field is broken in individual
      alphabets (as you mentioned that these text are broken into glyphs) and
      then it is difficult to edit this text in Visio.

      Best regards,
      Rajdeep Ahluwalia

      Text in SVG exported file

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      • Rajdeep Ahluwalia

        It is not easy to convince people :(. The call flows we are preparing using MSC-Generator need to be provided in visio format.

        Best regards,
        Rajdeep Ahluwalia

        • Zoltán Turányi

          What if you try to import to Visio via EMF format?
          2014.06.04. 12:37 ezt írta ("Rajdeep Ahluwalia"

          It is not easy to convince people :(. The call flows we are preparing
          using MSC-Generator need to be provided in visio format.

          Best regards,
          Rajdeep Ahluwalia

          Text in SVG exported file

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          • Rajdeep Ahluwalia

            Hello Zoltan,

            Good Morning.

            I tried that as well. Text works fine in that but with emf there are other issues like arrows are not correctly imported, the pointed end gets converted into a small square. Some other formatting is also lost.

            In my previous comment I mentioned about cairo_show_text_glyphs() API which kind of suits what I am looking for but after exploring a bit I found that this API is not supported for SVG surfaces. It is supported for PDF surfaces and may be others, I didnt check all.

            I think that one possible solution is to implement cario_show_text_glyphs() for SVG surface in cario library and then call this API from MSC-Generator. So, I will going ahead to work in direction. Any inputs or help will be much appreciated.


            Best regards,
            Rajdeep Ahluwalia

      • Rajdeep Ahluwalia

        It is not easy to convince people :(. The flows we are preparing using MSC-Generator are required to be provided in visio format.

        I tried to look at the cairo lib for the documentation of cairo_show_text(). There I found another API cairo_show_text_glyphs(). What is the difference between the two? will the later one help in this case? They also mention that this later one should be preferred over the former one.

        Best regards,
        Rajdeep Ahluwalia