Menu video never plays using 3.25

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  • Kevin DeKorte

    Kevin DeKorte - 2006-06-28

    Are you using 3.25 or something else. I believe this is a known problem in 3.25.

    • robatino

      robatino - 2006-06-28

        I'm currently using 3.25 - the problem didn't appear with any of the earlier released versions up to and including 3.21.  Regarding a specific link, as I write this, there are 3 video links directly under "Latest News" and all show the same behavior.  The links change often, and they are Javascript links which open a popup window (for example, one link is


      ) so you have to access them from the CNN home page.  If I try looking in the text mplay????? files in /tmp to get an URL, for example

      and bring it up in Firefox to try to have mplayerplug-in play it, the behavior is different - it just stops.  If I right-click and select Play, it immediately stops again.  It refuses to play, but it doesn't loop as it does in the popup window.

      • Kevin DeKorte

        Kevin DeKorte - 2006-06-29

        This problem appears to be fixed in the current development code.

    • robatino

      robatino - 2006-06-28

        Ignore the link just above - that's one of the broken links that won't even play on the command line.  But if I try to play in Firefox the link above that plays on the command line - namely

      the behavior is as I just described - it stops whenever I try to play it.

  • robatino

    robatino - 2006-08-06

      Still broken in 3.30.  Now it never plays (I waited about 10 minutes).  It cycles back and forth rapidly between trying to play one URL using http and another URL using mms.

    • Kevin DeKorte

      Kevin DeKorte - 2006-08-06

      Please post your mplayerplug-in.conf file.. and PLEASE make sure you do have have nomediacache set to 1

      • robatino

        robatino - 2006-08-06

          I was using the original mplayerplug-in.conf file (nothing but comments).  I made the single change of adding "nomediacache=1" and it still doesn't work, but now what it does is just stop, and if I hit the play button, it says "Playing <long URL>"  for a fraction of a second, then stops again.

        • Kevin DeKorte

          Kevin DeKorte - 2006-08-06


          I ment to say nomediacache NOT enabled.. so make it set to 0

          Also try adding "nolirc=1" to you mplayer config file

  • robatino

    robatino - 2006-08-06

      Now (using nomediacache=0 in mplayerplug-in.conf and nolirc=1 in ~/.mplayer/config) the behavior is that it still loops, but more slowly, with "Connected" and "Connecting to server <URL>" messages also appearing in addition to the attempts to play using http and mms.  I don't think it will play.  Without nolirc=1, I get the rapid cycling between http and mms described previously (nomediacache=0 is the default?).

    • Kevin DeKorte

      Kevin DeKorte - 2006-08-07

      Ok, I'm going to need debug output in order to solve this... I just can't keep guessing.. BTW, I was reading thru the old posts you have and it looks like you needed vo=x11 at least on one machine. Are you still using that as your vo?

      • robatino

        robatino - 2006-08-07

          If I set vo=x11 in mplayerplug-in.conf, it does work properly.  The problem is that as I noted before, this hardware can handle xv just fine - for example, I can play this exact video from the command line with


        (I've copied the URL from one of the /tmp/mplay* files created when attempting to play it).  I'm emailing you 2 debug files - the first without vo=x11, where it loops, the second with vo=x11, where it plays correctly.

        • robatino

          robatino - 2006-08-07

            Should have mentioned that the command line mplayer text output says it's using xv.  I can specify the vo with either "-vo xv" or "-vo x11" - both work.  But in mplayerplug-in.conf, only vo=x11 works.  I tried vo=xv and that results in looping, as does not including a vo= line.

  • robatino

    robatino - 2006-08-07

      Received your reply email about mplayer definitely crashing when using xv in an embedded window, possibly being a limitation of my video card.  It's possible, but this happens on at least 2 different machines.  I'll test it on my 3rd when I get a chance.  The one thing all 3 boxes have in common is that they use integrated video.  The newest box is a Dell Dimension B110, which is one of Dell's current el cheapo desktops.  At the very least this appears to be a very common problem, you might want to mention it in the INSTALL file.  Also, is there any way mplayerplug-in could detect such a crash and avoid using the responsible vo again for the same clip?

    • Kevin DeKorte

      Kevin DeKorte - 2006-08-07

      There is probably a way to detect the crash and try and fall back to x11. But that is really hiding the problem. There are several video cards that don't do xv that well and so that is why I made the vo a config option, so the end user can get the best option for them. So this is really a configuration problem.

      You don't mention the exact video card you have, but I am guessing it is an i810 chipset. I have a machine that uses the same X driver, but a different chip the i915. I am able to use XV on that machine, but sometimes it doesn't work that great. The driver version and version of X really make a difference.

      • robatino

        robatino - 2006-08-07

          The following is from dmesg on the Dell:

        agpgart: Detected an Intel 865 Chipset.

        Dell doesn't provide any MB documentation so I don't even know exactly what model number it is.  The other box I've had the problem on has a Gigabyte GA-7VKMLS MB (Google has more info).

        • Kevin DeKorte

          Kevin DeKorte - 2006-08-07

          /sbin/lspci | grep -i display

          Should tell you what it is. But again, this is just a config issue. Just set it to x11 and you should be good to go.

  • robatino

    robatino - 2006-08-15

      Right now, I'm getting the looping with videos with 3.30, even using vo=x11.  Again, I can play them with command-line mplayer using either xv or x11.  If I open one of the URLs directly in the browser, mplayerplug-in just stops, and it stops again each time I hit the play button.  BTW, lspci says

    00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82865G Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02)

    and FC5 is using the i915 and drm drivers.  I don't know why the problem is happening now, with vo=x11 it was working fine before.

    • robatino

      robatino - 2006-08-15

        Never mind - I closed and restarted Firefox, and the problem went away.  No idea what happened.

  • robatino

    robatino - 2007-06-05

      I am now using F7 with the Livna version of mplayer and mplayerplug-in. video now works properly on the same hardware with no changes to the defaults.

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