
Can you save your normalized files ?

  • Vinny

    Vinny - 2012-01-07


    After loading your mp3's and normalizing them all to the same level, how do you put them back onto your computer ?

    Thanks for any help.

  • ptfitzy

    ptfitzy - 2012-01-07

    You should be able then drag and drop them into your Burner Program.

  • Glen Sawyer

    Glen Sawyer - 2012-01-07

    As soon as you press "Track Gain" (or "Album Gain"), MP3Gain directly modifies the mp3 files. There is not a separate "save file" step.

  • RumbaRuba

    RumbaRuba - 2013-05-07

    So, after modifying all the songs on MP3 Gain, I don't have to like delete all the songs on my iTunes library and re-upload them, right?

  • Clayton Macleod

    Clayton Macleod - 2013-05-07

    They are modified in-place.  As such, you do not have to do anything to iTunes itself or its library.  However, any devices that you use with that iTunes library will have to be synced again in order to copy the modified files over.  It *should* just copy them over without you having to do anything but a regular sync.  But if it does not, then you can force it to copy all the files again by telling it to not sync music, then do a sync, and that will remove all the music.  And once that sync is done you can tell it to sync music again, and then do another sync, and it will copy your stuff back.  And that will definitely make sure your newly modified files are what are copied to the device.

    • RumbaRuba

      RumbaRuba - 2013-05-14

      Thank you so much for the help Clayton =D