
MP3elf / News: Recent posts

Then came 2.21

elfServer version 2.21 is up. This adds the ability to put playlist directories as well as files into the config. It also supports repathing for use when playlists are created on a different machine

Posted by Paul Wilkinson 2002-12-04

elfServer 2.20 released

A new version of elfServer, 2.20, has been released.
The release provides support for JReceiver 0.2.4

There is no need to update your elf code to use this release.

If you are not using JReceiver, then this release offers nothing over the previous release, 2.10p2

Posted by Paul Wilkinson 2002-10-19

New Server Release

There is a new release of the server code available for download.
The major change in this release is the addition of status and control callbacks in the JReceiver driver. As a result, JReceiver 0.2 is required

Posted by Paul Wilkinson 2002-06-10

Website Changes

There have been a few changes to the website.
We have a new design courtesy of Alastair. We also have pictures of the mp3elf version 2 online and the new purchasing page is available

Posted by Paul Wilkinson 2002-03-19

New elfServer Release

There is a new release of the elfServer software.
This release has major changes to the XMLRPC interface.
For more information see the documentation section of

Posted by Paul Wilkinson 2001-11-04

New mp3elf releases

elfServer 1.14 and mp3elf 0.60 are available from
the downloads section on

These releases improve stability and add significant functionality including LCD and idv3 support.

There are also several additions to the XML-RPC interface to the server

Posted by Paul Wilkinson 2001-10-14

XMLRPC Documentation

A new document is available in the documentation section of that details the XML-RPC interface to the elfServer. Please note that this document refers to the elfServer that is currently in CVS. The XMLRPC interface for the 1.12 elfServer is documented in the release tar.

Posted by Paul Wilkinson 2001-10-07

MP3elf Promotional Video

Alastair has created a "promo" video featuring a completed MP3elf 1.0 board. You can see it at:

Posted by Paul Wilkinson 2001-08-07

First Release of elfServer Software

The first public release of the elfServer software is available from
Two packages are available: with and without java source code.

Posted by Paul Wilkinson 2001-08-03

Photo of completed prototype board

A photo of the completed prototype board has been added to the images section on

Posted by Paul Wilkinson 2001-07-24

First MP3elf Prototype Makes Music!

The first batch of PCBs have arrived and the first prototype has been assembled. After a little bit of tweaking the board is now playing music at 320Kbps (the old breadboard prototype couldn't handle more than 128Kbps). Expect images soon.

Posted by Paul Wilkinson 2001-07-16

Images and Schematic Available

Some images of the experimental mp3elf board and a schematic for the new prototype board are available on the mp3elf website .
Look in the Images and Documentation section

Posted by Paul Wilkinson 2001-05-23

System Architecture Document Available

A document that details the MP3elf system architecture is now available on the documentation page at

Posted by Paul Wilkinson 2001-05-15

New Logo

The MP3elf web page now sports a new logo thanks to Lieven Op De Beeck

Posted by Paul Wilkinson 2001-05-15 active

The web site has been activated

Posted by Paul Wilkinson 2001-05-06