
more.groupware / News: Recent posts

more.groupware 0.7.4 released

This release finally summarizes the tons of bugfixes done over the past year (more than that), and as usual we have updated the bundled libraries to current versions.

Please read the NEWS-0.7.4 file and the documentation for more information.

more.groupware is a web-based groupware written in PHP. Including modules like webmail, notes, todo, contacts, project management, calendar and others.

Posted by Karsten Dambekalns 2006-04-27

Preparing more.groupware 0.7.4

Some may have noticed it already, version 0.7.4 is being prepared. Upgrade documentation is being worked on currently, the release has been added to the file release system and a few library updates are being investigated.

Let me take the opportunity to welcome Matthieu "leyeti" PAINEAU as my new co-admin for the project. Matthieu has been an active contributor for a long time now, so he really earned that honour (he'll wonder about the work later... ;).... read more

Posted by Karsten Dambekalns 2006-03-18

New documentation Wiki now online

After a long time of promising, the Wiki for the documentation is now finally online. The page has a few introductory sentences, then you can dive right in.

Everybody interested in helping with the documentation, is encouraged to create an account (required for editing). I hope this is significantyl easier than editing the former DocBook sources.... read more

Posted by Karsten Dambekalns 2004-12-18

more.groupware 0.7.3 released

This release is mostly a bugfix release, and as usual we have updated the bundled libraries to current versions.

People are encouraged to test this release on PHP5 and submit found bugs. Don't try this on production systems, yet!

Please read the NEWS-0.7.3 file and the documentation for more information.

more.groupware is a web-based groupware written in PHP4. Including modules like webmail, notes, todo, contacts, project management, calendar and others.

Posted by Karsten Dambekalns 2004-12-10

NO HTML/CrashIE.B trojan in more.groupware!

In the last days there have been a few reports about more.groupware (from release 0.7.0) containing the HTML/CrashIE.B trojan. The infected file is example.1.html in the webmail2 module, according to virus scanners.

This module does, contrary to what virus scanners say, NOT really contain the mentioned trojan. The detection is triggered by strings resembling the trojan's signature instead; and the mentioned file is never called in the application.... read more

Posted by Karsten Dambekalns 2004-09-16

New website has gone live!

Today a new website for the more.groupware project has gone live. We hope this is only a first step in a more friendly and informative use experience.

Additionally the FAQ system has been updated and now allows more user interaction (asking and answering questions).

If you have any feedback, don't hesitate to tell us what you think!

the more.groupware team

Posted by Karsten Dambekalns 2004-08-04

more.groupware 0.7.2 released

This release fixes a ton of bugs, and as usual we have updated the bundled libraries to current versions.
In addition to that, we have a few new modules, and some old ones with new life in them (calendar1 is one of them).

Please read the NEWS-0.7.2 file and the documentation for more information.

more.groupware is a web-based groupware written in PHP4. Including modules like webmail, notes, todo, contacts, project management, calendar and others.

Posted by Karsten Dambekalns 2004-04-30

more.groupware: Alive and kicking after the crisis!

After a few days with a lot of discussion and sometimes harsh words the project is very active right now.

What has happened? After a rather unfruitful discussion about licensing and copyright issues one of the project member left the team, removing all his code from CVS. This led to another discussion about future work during which a few people showed their commitment stronger than ever.

Meanwhile the removed code has been put back into CVS and a fresh release will happen as soon as possible. Afterwards parts of the code that had been removed will be rewritten, others will be maintained further.... read more

Posted by Karsten Dambekalns 2004-04-06

CVS functional again, Work continues...

After having some issues (like setup problems) in recent CVS snapshots caused by CVS being somewhat broken after changes done by staff, this is fixed again.
Consequently a bunch of changes that were delayed due to this have been put into CVS, and setup works again as it should. So if you were following CVS progress, it should be safe again to do so...
Work will now continue again with more speed and power (I hope!) than in the last weeks, so we should see 0.7.2 in a not so distant future...
Stay tuned and thanks for your support!

Posted by Karsten Dambekalns 2004-02-10

more.groupware 0.7.1 released

The new release fixes a whole lot of bugs that have been found since the release of 0.7.0. All users are encouraged to upgrade, new installs should use 0.7.1 in favour of earlier releases.

Upgrade instructions are contained in the manual.

Posted by Karsten Dambekalns 2003-12-12

New mailing list for tracker notifications created

With the recent change to the tracke configuration to send an email on all changes the development mailing list was cluttered with those mail, especially the archive was filled up to a point where it became useless.

Therefore a new mailing list named moregroupware-tracker has been created and all notifications are sent to this list now. Archival will probably start withtin a few hours.

Everybody taking part in development should subscribe to this list, people only following some chosen bugs might want to monitor their 'favourite' bugs directly.... read more

Posted by Karsten Dambekalns 2003-12-06

more.groupware 0.7.0 released

more.groupware 0.7.0 has just been released. It fixes the webmail2 setup bug as well as a few other bugs in forum, files, tts. Additionally some new features have been added to calendar2 and webmail2 and some translation updates have been done. moregroupware is a web-based groupware written in PHP4. Including modules like webmail, notes, todo, contacts, project management, calendar and others.

Posted by Karsten Dambekalns 2003-11-07

moregroupware 0.6.9 has been released today

Web-based groupware written in PHP4. Including modules like webmail, notes, todo, contacts, project management, calendar and others. The new release features a lot of changes, some of them have fundamental character. There have been bug fixes done to all areas of the application, and a lot of new features have been added.

The webmail client has now mail filters and flags, comes with inline display of OOo Writer files and can export to OOo Writer and MS Word. Calendar2 has group calendars now. The projects module has been rewritten completely (see below for the catch).... read more

Posted by Karsten Dambekalns 2003-10-31

New demo now available

We have now set up a new demo server for those wanting to try out more.groupware. It is reachable at:

Log in as user0, user1, ..., user9 and use the same as password.

Posted by Karsten Dambekalns 2003-10-30

Getting closer to 0.6.9 - new Setup

In our effort to bring you a great new release, we have overhauled setup again. It should be easier than ever now, checking a lot of requirements and featuring a new dynamic module installation mechanism.

In addition to that there is an uninstall option now, for those who don't like more.groupware after testing it... :)

If you can, please a snapshot on/after the weekend and report bugs to the tracker. Translators should have a look at the language files (not only) for setup, as a lot of strings have been added or changed (sorry...).... read more

Posted by Karsten Dambekalns 2003-10-10

New FAQ system online

Today we added a new FAQ system to the website. It should help keeping the FAQ up-to-date and more complete. So please use it, and submit new FAQ suggestions if needed!

Posted by Karsten Dambekalns 2003-09-28

Please test 0.6.9/CVS!

The current CVS will become 0.6.9 as soon as possible, but we need your help for this!

So please install a CVS snapshot (or checkout), and check if everything works as it should. If you have the time, try to find security holes as well (JavaScript injection, etc.).

Report your findings back to the bug tracker (include CVS in the title, please) in case of bugs, or to the developer mailing list to report success.... read more

Posted by Karsten Dambekalns 2003-07-21

Security issues, moregroupware 0.6.8 released

Today we released moregroupware 0.6.8. It does (as already announced) *not* completely fix the security issues that have been published.

But direct access to files stored in the files module is no longer possible when using Apache, an appropriate .htaccess file is created automatically (as already used to be in webmail2).

The impact of possible cross-site scripting attacks to hijack a session is lowered by the fact that a session by default bound to the originating IP.... read more

Posted by Karsten Dambekalns 2003-07-01

Upcoming security advisory, next release

Dear more.groupware users and developers!

I'd like to let you know about the things happening with more.groupware currently, and to inform you about the upcoming events.

Security Advisory

First of all, I have been informed about a upcoming security advisory concerning more.groupware. I feel it our responsibility to explain what this is about.

Due to the increasing popularity and more widespread use more.groupware is gaining, a lot more people without a deeper background knowledge in deploying and securing PHP solutions are installing more.groupware. Those that used it in earlier stages of it's development were probably (at least partly) aware of the security issues that do (or might) arise from it.... read more

Posted by Karsten Dambekalns 2003-06-25

New release coming this month

We'll put out 0.6.8 later this month. It will not yet include the new calendar (sorry!), but have a look at the mail Thomas sent to the dev list:
It has some interesting details about webmail2 progress.

In addition to this, expect the usual bunch of bug fixes, there will be some good news for file module users in particular.... read more

Posted by Karsten Dambekalns 2003-06-07

Progress update...

These lines are just to keep the people up to date, that are not reading the dev mailing list.

After the 0.6.7 release made it to the front page, it seems quite a few people downloaded the archives, and luckily there are a few new helping hands at the horizon...

Since the release already a number of bugs have been fixed (as usual, will this ever end?).
The TTS module will be developed further, after a long time of no activity, according to it's author.
And the good news continue - finally it seems as if we will see a new calendar module. There hasn't been a definitive decision yet, but meanwhile I set all calendar bugs to a low priority, until this decision has been made.
And those waiting for improvements on the projects module might like to hear that I'll work on that now, parallel to improving the files module.... read more

Posted by Karsten Dambekalns 2003-05-07

moregroupware 0.6.7 released

We have released version 0.6.7 of moregroupware. It is available in the files section as a tar.gz and a zip package. The files contains the available manual, thus they are bigger than the last release. moregroupware is a web-based groupware package, written in PHP4. moregroupware includes modules like webmail, notes, todo, contacts, project management, calendar and others. The most important improvements to the 0.6.7 release are those made to the files module and the new setup, logging and messaging code.... read more

Posted by Karsten Dambekalns 2003-04-26

New translation, new features

Hi out there!

Finally some good news again: Inspired by the choice available at Google, a volunteer offered to provide a Klingon translation of more.groupware. Understandably this is most exciting, as it makes it possible to extend the user base by a fair amount of 'people'!

Another news is the arrival of MIM - the More.groupware Instant Messenger. It can be seen in latest CVS code, and is still a bit experimental. Give it a try, so we can squash any bugs as fast as possible.... read more

Posted by Karsten Dambekalns 2003-04-01

Manual update: calendar documentation!

Patrick Malaison provided me with documentation for the calendar module. It has been converted to DocBook and added to the CVS today.

The online manual should be updated soon, so please have a look and give us some feedback!

Posted by Karsten Dambekalns 2003-03-26

Manual update: setup instructions!

The manual has been updated with new instructions (mostly written by Bjrn) for the setup contained in CVS. This is what will be released for 0.6.7.

Please read the instructions, and submit all proposals, suggestions and bugs you find using patch and bug tracker!

Especially the part about LDAP needs some more content, so please help with this. And the NTLM/htaccess setup needs to be documented as well!

Posted by Karsten Dambekalns 2003-03-14