
Tree [r15] /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 DBUtilsUnit.pas 2011-09-22 ildemartinez [r10] Testing course start date (unix format)
 LoginFormUnit.dfm 2011-09-11 ildemartinez [r2] Commit source code
 LoginFormUnit.pas 2011-09-11 ildemartinez [r2] Commit source code
 MainFormUnit.dfm 2011-09-29 ildemartinez [r14] UI change to enable users or category tree browse
 MainFormUnit.pas 2011-09-29 ildemartinez [r14] UI change to enable users or category tree browse
 MoodleExplorer.dpr 2011-09-11 ildemartinez [r2] Commit source code
 MoodleExplorer.dproj 2011-09-22 ildemartinez [r12] Updated project
 MoodleExplorer.res 2011-09-22 ildemartinez [r12] Updated project
 build.bat 2011-09-22 ildemartinez [r12] Updated project
 libpq.dll 2011-09-13 ildemartinez [r7] dll dependencies
 libpq80.dll 2011-09-13 ildemartinez [r7] dll dependencies
 moodleexplorer.mpb 2011-09-20 ildemartinez [r9] Modelmaker project
 msvcr71.dll 2011-09-13 ildemartinez [r7] dll dependencies
 readme.txt 2011-12-17 ildemartinez [r15]

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Moodle Explorer

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