
#298 Would like to be able to archive and delete old transactions


I would like to be able to work on a two-year file at any point, so now, for instance, I would remove 2012 from the file and keep only 2013 and 2014 until this time next year, then (in Feb. 2015) remove 2013, and so on. It would be good if a program existed to perform the various tasks: a) select (by date, etc.) and archive transactions to be deleted; b) delete the transactions; c) adjust the account balance.


Feature Requests: #298


  • guanlisheng

    guanlisheng - 2014-03-14

    Great feature and will think about more during v1.0.2.

  • Nikolay

    Nikolay - 2015-02-24
    • Group: 1.2.0 --> 1.3.0
    • Eleanor Batchelder

      I'm not sure why I get these, since I know what I said a year ago, and this doesn't say there are any changes.

      In any case, I can't use the updates you are making, since I have an older computer and am still on Mac OSX 10.6! When I get a new computer, I'll check out the newer versions…


      On 2015-02-24, at 5:42 AM, Nikolay wrote:

      Group: 1.2.0 --> 1.3.0
      [feature-requests:#298] Would like to be able to archive and delete old transactions

      Status: open
      Group: 1.3.0
      Created: Sun Feb 16, 2014 09:07 PM UTC by Eleanor Batchelder
      Last Updated: Sat Jun 07, 2014 07:55 AM UTC
      Owner: nobody

      I would like to be able to work on a two-year file at any point, so now, for instance, I would remove 2012 from the file and keep only 2013 and 2014 until this time next year, then (in Feb. 2015) remove 2013, and so on. It would be good if a program existed to perform the various tasks: a) select (by date, etc.) and archive transactions to be deleted; b) delete the transactions; c) adjust the account balance.

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      Feature Requests: #298

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