
Money Baron / News: Recent posts

Projected Milestones

Primary Goals:
- Free Product
- Open Source
- Simple, easy to use and understand
- Robust with solid accounting principles
- Did I mention free? No charge. Period.

Prior to 0.5 (completed)
- Base shell of the application
- Simple splash screen
- Basic menus
- Basic About page
- Connectivity to SQLite (bonus is MySQL)

Milestone 0.5 (first release)
- Accounts Management
- Categories Management
- Payees Management
- Types Management
- Installation Process and Documentation... read more

Posted by Mark Pemberton 2008-05-04

Blog is online for detailed progress

I've been keeping a blog of the development progress if you are interested. Simply go to the project Web Site to read the latest activity.

Posted by Mark Pemberton 2007-11-28