
Mobile Planetarium for Java Phones / News: Recent posts

NOW with NGC version and ReducedStars version

Two versions are now ready:
1. Reduced Star: version 0.09 with reduced star down to about 1500 stars only. The size is now down to about 110KB
2. NGC version: version 0.09 with 111 newly added NGC objects shown in the sky. They are yellow on the screen. Search is also working for NGC objects. Please enjoy.

ps. All of this is done within a 2.5-hr work. I don't really have time to do it now. There may be bugs which I did not notice.

Posted by Mark Kuo 2007-05-16

Minor fixes to 0.09

The release is now in ZIP format, with jad and jar files in it. (to distinguish)

1. The "version" in jad/jar release is updated to 0.09, which was mistaken for 0.08 by me!
2. Stars brighter than mag 0 are now correctly shown! (ex: Sirius couldn't be displayed before.)

Posted by Mark Kuo 2006-11-25

New Version: 0.09

This version improves mainly the "must-have" functions for a typical planetarium software - The SEARCH, and the GOTO function. There is also a Time Mode which is similar to "time steps" in other sky simulation software.

Improved info box about stars, messiers, and planets are also the new features.

Hope this also fixes the well-known timezone problem and backlight flashing. Thank you all! Take it and enjoy it as I wish!

Posted by Mark Kuo 2006-11-22

New Version: 0.08

Minor updates of MobileStarChart, version 0.08 has been released today. It features Red-Eye mode along with improved UI of Preference/Location screens. Easier to use, more appropriate for dark night eye adaptation. Give it a try now and grab the stars all in your hands!

Posted by Mark Kuo 2006-09-19